Chattanooga Times Free Press



Are you still looking for the one searing illuminate­d truth from the Democratic presidenti­al debates?

That moment telling America what voting Democratic will really mean in 2020?

I’ve got it. But it wasn’t Kamala Harris (rhetorical­ly) whipping Joe Biden. That’s what Democrats would rather focus on, because it’s easier than the inadverten­tly revealed truth that could doom their political chances.

They would rather cling to Harris’ dissection of Biden, and hope you do too.

Biden is toast. Even if Biden squeezes into one of Harris’ now famous “That Little Girl

Was Me” T-shirts, and cries and begs mercy, he’s done.

Harris pulled him apart for cozy comments that he’d worked well in the Senate with Democratic white segregatio­nists to “get things done.”

Harris said she really didn’t think he was a racist, then she dropped it on him, how much it hurt her that he sucked up to Southern Democratic segregatio­nists to stop federally imposed school busing.

Then she told a story of a little black girl bused to an all-white school. “That little girl was me,” she said. His jaws worked up and down, his eyes got flat, his choppers seemed to enter rictus. Then it was over.

Biden was just another political fatality on the Democratic Party’s Intersecti­onality Highway to Hell.

The next day he ran to the Rainbow/ PUSH Coalition convention in Chicago, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson let him try and clean himself up.

He praised himself and former President Barack Obama, and he talked the way politician­s talk, his voice going up and down saying little if anything but offering a vague, impassione­d vision.

When Biden was finished, he meekly walked off the stage and tried to hug Jackson.

When Biden put his arms around Jackson and whispered into Jackson’s ear, Jackson didn’t return the hug.

It’ll take a few more days or so before what Harris did to Biden will take effect. But he’s not coming back from it. He can’t.

Democrats want to find someone who can take on Trump. Now they know Biden can’t.

Next up for Harris is Elizabeth Warren, the Massachuse­tts Democrat who’s been repackaged to appeal to the hardleft voters who have drifted away from Bernie Sanders.

Harris is a former prosecutor, a trial lawyer, and showed she can handle pressure. She calmly embraced all that heat on the debate stage, drew it in, then released it right at Biden.

The way she played Biden and race, just think what she’ll do to Warren, who vaulted herself onto the faculty of Harvard Law School as a Cherokee.

Warren’s career is a creation myth born in identity politics. She insisted she was a Cherokee, and Harvard praised her for it as if ethnicity was a virtue, perhaps because Harvard was desperate to promote minorities on its law school faculty.

Then Warren’s embarrassi­ng DNA test came out. No further questions, your honor. But Harris will have questions. Bet on it.

All such drama is about ambition and skill and tactics. But that’s too small to define a political party.

During the Thursday debate on left-leaning MSNBC, the Democratic presidenti­al candidates raised their hands in agreement with the idea that illegal immigratio­n should no longer be considered a crime.

There also was this question: “This is a show-of-hands question and hold them up so people can see,” said co-moderator Savannah Guthrie. “Raise your hand if your government plan would provide (health care) coverage for undocument­ed immigrants.”

Biden raised his, as did Sanders, Harris, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, the magical Marianne Williamson, John Hickenloop­er and Eric Swalwell.

Did any of them think how a declaratio­n of open borders policy and free health care for undocument­ed immigrants who break into the U.S. would play out in a general election?

Did any of them pause before engaging in self-destructiv­e pandering?

What defines an election isn’t takedown dramas.

What defines elections, and political parties, are ideas with sweep, ideas that announce “This is who we are” to the voters.

Like the Democrats’ new open borders policy. And their agreement to provide “free” health care to immigrants here illegally.

As Joe Biden learned, rhetoric has consequenc­es.

But ideas have consequenc­es too.

 ??  ?? John Kass
John Kass

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