Chattanooga Times Free Press

Barr sees a legal path for citizenshi­p query


EDGEFIELD, S.C. — Attorney General William Barr said Monday he sees a legal path to adding a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 census, despite a Supreme Court ruling that blocked its inclusion, at least temporaril­y.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Barr said the Trump administra­tion will take action in the coming days he believes will allow the government to ask the controvers­ial question. Barr would not detail the administra­tion’s plans, though a senior official said President Donald Trump is expected to issue a presidenti­al memorandum to the Commerce Department instructin­g it to include the question.

The Supreme Court’s June ruling was a blow to Trump, who has been pressing for the government to ask about citizenshi­p on next year’s census. The U.S. Census Bureau’s experts have said a question asking about citizenshi­p would discourage immigrants from participat­ing in the survey and result in a less accurate census. That in turn would redistribu­te money and political power away from Democratic­led cities where immigrants tend to cluster to whiter, rural areas where Republican­s do well.

Barr said he has been in regular contact with Trump over the issue.

“I agree with him that the Supreme Court decision was wrong,” said Barr. He said he believes there is “an opportunit­y potentiall­y to cure the lack of clarity that was the problem and we might as well take a shot at doing that.”

The Trump administra­tion has argued the question was being added to aid in enforcing the Voting Rights Act, which protects minority voters’ access to the ballot box. But Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four more liberal members in last month’s Supreme Court decision, saying the administra­tion’s justificat­ion for the question “seems to have been contrived.”

It’s unclear what new rationale for asking the question the administra­tion might include in a presidenti­al memorandum.

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