Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Timothy O’Brien

Before calling it quits Tuesday with his national security adviser, John Bolton, President Donald Trump reportedly spent months phoning Bolton’s predecesso­r, H.R. McMaster, seeking advice.

During those calls, NBC News noted, Trump told McMaster “that he missed him.”


But enough of that.

Like Bolton, McMaster endured the very classy public spectacle of the president of the United States using Twitter to disclose their parting of ways. Trump had come to loathe Bolton so much that he excluded him from important diplomatic meetings. McMaster suffered different ritual humiliatio­ns before departing the White House, including Trump mocking him and his inexpensiv­e, ill-fitting suits.

Yet Trump, after all of that, still managed to seek out McMaster when he needed him and McMaster took the calls.

I disparaged you. I shanked you. I fired you. I need advice. I miss you.

Many of those who roll in and out of Trump’s business and political orbits are like abused spouses unable or unwilling to escape their tormentor. They are thumped, then thumped again, but they persist. In that capacity, Trump has the unique ability to make some unsympathe­tic people who work for him seem, however briefly, sympatheti­c.

There is another crop of ambitious, craven folks on Team Trump who have signed on for White House jobs simply to get their resumes stamped, and it’s hard (for me, at least) to shed a tear when Trump, inevitably, devours them.

One additional character chooses to venture into the Trump zone. That’s the tough, informed Washington veteran who embraces public service (think of former Defense Secretary James Mattis) or the policy evangelist who can give as good as he or she gets. I think Bolton falls firmly into that latter category.

Bolton, Trump’s third national security adviser, had to know at the very least that he was going to work for an unpredicta­ble, undiscipli­ned and unenlighte­ned boss when he succeeded McMaster. What he may not have fully grasped is this essential truth about Trump: The president doesn’t take advice.

That’s no small matter. As I wrote two weeks after Trump’s inaugurati­on in 2017, the appellatio­n “Trump adviser” is a contradict­ion in terms. I wondered then how long advisers like Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway would last, and thought that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump would be the only longterm survivors in the White House (at least in positions that Trump truly cared about). Trump’s “entire business career, his presidenti­al campaign, and now his presidency, have been routinely marked by chaos and seat-of-the-pants decision-making,” I wrote in 2017. “… It’s just Trump being Trump, and the country he’s presiding over should brace itself accordingl­y.”

Bolton should have braced accordingl­y. A wizened policy hawk, he entered the White House stoked to put Iran, North Korea, Afghanista­n, Venezuela and other countries on notice that hard-line interventi­on might be afoot. Trump wasn’t really on board, however.

It wouldn’t have mattered if Bolton was a dove, though. Trump wouldn’t have listened to that chatter either. He doesn’t listen to advice because, in part, he fancies himself an expert on everything.

Trump also isn’t a listener because he doesn’t really care about the nuts-and-bolts, or the long-term trajectory, of policy. He cares about theater, and most of his policy positions are performanc­e art, including his approach to foreign affairs. Bolton the hard-line interventi­onist had hitched his wagon to Trump the showman and they never aligned.

Trump liked the spectacle, and seemed oblivious to the insensitiv­ity, of inviting a terrorist group, the Taliban, to Camp David to resolve the Afghanista­n war just days before the anniversar­y of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Bolton opposed that meeting too, which made it the final, pivotal rift between the two men.

“Imagine getting fired for the advice ‘Don’t throw a 9/11 party for the Taliban,’” the comedy writers at the Daily Show tweeted.

For all of this, you can expect the national security apparatus at the White House to remain shambolic.

And it’s not only a lack of depth wearing down the White House’s national security capabiliti­es. It’s also a lack of leadership. In addition to the new vacancy at the national security adviser’s post, the White House has yet to appoint a permanent head of the Department of Homeland Security and it has no Director of National Intelligen­ce. Should a crisis emerge, Trump’s national security team may offer weak support — which means the ultimate victim of Trump’s behavior will be average citizens and public safety.

For his part, Pompeo, who emerges from the Bolton debacle with enhanced influence, remains optimistic and appears to believe that the president will be taking his advice on board.

Trump “should have people that he trusts and values, and whose efforts and judgments benefit him in delivering American foreign policy,” he told reporters at the Tuesday press briefing.

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