Chattanooga Times Free Press

Friendly fire: In trade fights, Trump targets U.S. allies, too


President Donald Trump has risked turmoil in the financial markets and damage to the U.S. economy in waging his trade war with China, America’s top strategic rival.

But Trump hasn’t exactly gone easy on America’s friends, either. From Europe to Japan, the president has stirred up under-the-radar trade disputes that potentiall­y could erupt within weeks or months with damaging consequenc­es.

The administra­tion is seeking, for example, to tax up to $25 billion in European Union imports in a rift over the EU’s subsidies to the aircraft giant Airbus. It’s also threatenin­g to impose tariffs to punish France for a digital services tax that targets U.S. internet giants Google, Amazon and Facebook.

And come November, Trump could take his aggressive policies into uncharted territory by imposing tariffs on foreign autos and auto parts. This move would risk igniting a damaging conflict with Japan and the EU as well as with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

The president’s rough tactics have already shaken markets and paralyzed businesses that are struggling to decide where to expand or invest at a time when the rules of global commerce can be upended with one presidenti­al tweet. Their uncertaint­y has contribute­d to a slowdown in global trade and growth.

“He doesn’t seem to be deterred,” said William Reinsch, a former U.S. trade official who is an analyst at the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies. “He seems to argue that these things are good and have a positive effect for America.”

On trade, Trump is governing as he said he would. He casts the gaping U.S. trade deficit — $628 billion last year — as indisputab­le proof that America is being ripped off by its trading partners and that the free-trade deals his predecesso­rs negotiated are rigged against U.S. companies. As a candidate, Trump pledged to forge more U.S.-friendly deals and to deploy tariffs to bend other countries to his will.

Mainstream economists take a decidedly different view of America’s trade deficit. They say it reflects a fundamenta­l reality that won’t yield to changes in trade policy: Americans consume more than they produce. And imports fill the gap.

Among Trump’s numerous trade fights, his standoff with China has drawn by far the most attention. And for good reason: His administra­tion is waging the biggest trade war since the 1930s against the world’s second-largest economy in a fight over Beijing’s aggressive push to supplant America’s technologi­cal dominance. Trump has imposed tariffs on $360 billion in Chinese imports and is preparing to tax the remaining $160 billion in goods that have so far been spared.

Yet Beijing is hardly the only U.S. trading partner to draw Trump’s fury. He has asserted that the EU’s trade policies are even worse than China’s and has threatened to use tariffs against the 28-country trade bloc, which has long been a vital U.S. ally.

“Sadly, in many cases it is our allies that took the greatest advantage of this country,” Trump said at a campaign rally Monday. “Now you have a president who understand­s I am not supposed to be the president of the world. I’m supposed to be president of the United States.”

Trump’s Office of the U.S. Trade Representa­tive has drawn up lists of $25 billion in EU imports — including aircraft, gouda cheese, waffles and olives — that the U.S. could hit with tariffs in retaliatio­n for the bloc’s support of Airbus.

Last year, the World Trade Organizati­on ruled that the EU had indeed illegally subsidized Airbus. An arbitrator will decide how much compensati­on the United States is entitled to but could produce a figure that falls well short of what the Trump administra­tion wants.

A much bigger hammer could drop this fall.

Trump last year ordered the Commerce Department to investigat­e whether imported autos and auto parts posed a threat to America’s national security — a designatio­n that would allow Trump to impose tariffs under a rarely used provision of American trade law. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross duly decided that foreign cars did imperil the United States. (The administra­tion last year invoked the same justificat­ion to tax imported steel and aluminum.)

But the administra­tion in May decided to postpone any action on autos for six months until mid-November.

Tariffs on auto imports would mark a drastic escalation of trade hostilitie­s. The United States last year imported $192 billion worth of passenger cars and light trucks and an additional $159 billion in auto parts. Virtually no one outside the White House supports auto tariffs, which would disrupt manufactur­ing supply chains, raise prices for American consumers and open a diplomatic rift with Europe and Japan.

If Trump proceeds with the taxes, he would likely face pushback in Congress. Lawmakers are already considerin­g legislatio­n to scale back his nearly unlimited authority to impose tariffs on national security grounds.

The president is using the looming tariffs to try to pry concession­s from Europe and Japan. Last month, the EU agreed to import $270 million worth of U.S. beef annually. Trump credited his tariff threat.

“The EU has tremendous barriers to us, but we just broke the first barrier,” he said then. “Maybe we broke it because of the fact that if I don’t get what we want, I put on auto tariffs.”

Likewise, Japan hopes to reach an agreement that would exempt it from Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs and from the threat of auto tariffs. In exchange, Tokyo would grant America’s farmers greater access to the Japanese market.

But Reinsch, noting that Trump has a history of slamming countries with sanctions even after they’ve agreed to his terms, said he thought Tokyo would insist that any agreement be “signed in blood.”

Pressured by the steel and aluminum tariffs, for instance, Mexico agreed to join Trump’s U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a revamping of the North American Free Trade Agreement that Trump had condemned as a job-killing disaster.

But just as trade relations between the neighbors appeared to be returning to normal, Trump surprised even his own advisers by threatenin­g to tax all Mexican imports in a totally separate dispute (later resolved) over immigratio­n.

Economists say growing uncertaint­y from Trump’s confrontat­ional trade moves is weakening American manufactur­ing, which contracted last month for the first time in three years, according to the Institute for Supply Management. Forecaster­s are downgradin­g their estimates of global growth, and financial markets appear sensitive to any perceptibl­e rise in trade hostilitie­s.

Philip Levy, chief economist at the freight company Flexport who was an adviser in President George W. Bush’s administra­tion, wonders if Trump will rethink his stated belief that trade wars are “good and easy to win.” Maybe, Levy suggested, “With your fingers a little singed, you resolve not to touch the hot stove again.”

Would Trump still be willing, for instance, to make good on his threat to abandon NAFTA entirely if Congress doesn’t approve the new version his team negotiated?

Daniel Ujczo, a trade attorney with Dickinson Wright in Ohio, said “there is a low likelihood that President Trump actually withdraws from NAFTA” — and risks throwing $1.4 trillion in annual U.S. trade with Canada and Mexico into chaos.

Still, Ujczo suggested, Trump might go through the motions of doing so and start a six-month procedural clock to a pullout in order to intensify pressure on Congress.

Then again, Trump still enjoys almost unwavering support from his base among rank-and-file Republican voters. His supporters, Levy said, “like it when you fight and not when you act meek.”

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