Chattanooga Times Free Press




U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, finally has found a job that fits her. She announced last week she’ll be a celebrity guest judge on “RuPaul’s Drag Race” this season.

The first-term congresswo­man, whose socialist views and frequent misunderst­anding of U.S. policies have made her a favorite Republican punching bag, said she had been a fan of the show for years.

“This was absolutely, 100% a peak experience,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted of the show featuring the famous drag queen. “I am SO excited for the new season.”

A preview clip on the show’s Twittter account showed AOC calling for fans to “join the Ruvolution.” “I’m Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” she said, “and I pledge allegiance to drag.”

Her House boss, Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, made an appearance on the show in 2018 as part of a “get out the vote” effort.


U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a so-called moderate Democrat and presidenti­al candidate, has thrown in with many radical left-wing positions, including rescinding all border wall funding that President Donald Trump recently secured. But in 2006 the then-candidate Klobuchar shared the same view as Trump does today.

“I do believe that we need more resources at the border and that includes a fence,” she said in a candidate debate at the University of St. Thomas. “What we have now, we have people waiting to come in legally. Thousands of people waiting to come in legally to this country, and we have people coming in illegally. That’s not right. We need to get order at the border.”

Klobuchar also supported the mandatory use of the E-Verify system to open jobs for Americans and prohibit companies from hiring illegal immigrants.

“But we also have to stop giving amnesty to companies that are hiring illegal immigrants,” she said. “Under this administra­tion, the number of prosecutio­ns of companies [hiring illegal immigrants] has gone way down. That has to change.”

Today, she no longer supports E-Verify unless it is coupled with amnesty for the 11 million-plus illegal immigrants already in the country.


Just when you thought it was safe to wear a red hat again comes the recent story from Nashville of a retired New York Police Department officer who while celebratin­g his birthday was punched in the face for wearing a hat that said “Make

Fifty Great Again.”

The ex-cop, Daniel Sprague, was living it up with family and friends at The Stage bar on Broadway and had put on the celebrator­y hat given to him for his 50th birthday by his wife. He said guests were coming up to him, asking for photos and admiring the wording takeoff from President Donald Trump’s 2016 “Make America Great Again” hats. Then, he said, a woman approached him from behind, spun him around, punched him and grabbed his hat, shouting, “How dare you?”

“I would assume that she had a ring or maybe she even had a set of keys or something to get [the cut in his face],” he said, “because it is pretty deep and it goes to the bone.”

Sprague said on Facebook bouncers led him and the assailant out different exits, but when he said he wanted to press charges they said she had left. The next day, he said, he filed a police report.

“People have different views,” he said, “but we’re not supposed to take it out on each other.”

The incident was the second incident of violence in recent days involving hate for the president.

Last weekend, Gregory William Loel Timm was taken into custody after admitting he drove his vehicle into a GOP registrati­on booth set up in a discount store parking lot in Jacksonvil­le, Florida.

Police said he was motivated by his hate for Trump and said “someone had to take a stand.”

Fortunatel­y, no one was injured.


A black woman at the newly opened Multicultu­ral Student Center at the University of Virginia decided she needed to make what she said was a “public service announceme­nt” to some of those in the center last week.

“If y’all didn’t know, this is the [Multicultu­ral Student Center],” she said, “and frankly there’s just too many white people in here, and this is a space for people of color. So just be really cognizant of the space that you’re taking up. Because it does make some of us POCs (people of color) uncomforta­ble when we see too many white people in here. It’s only been open for four days, and frankly there’s the whole university for a lot of y’all to be at, and there’s very few spaces for us. So keep that in mind.”

When reached by TheBlaze, a university spokesman confirmed the center and other recently opened spaces were “open to all members of the university.”

The woman on Twitter later allowed how “many POCs are thanking me for speaking up,” but many others called it “reverse racism,” a “Title VI violation,” and “bigoted and racist,” and said “Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave.”

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