Chattanooga Times Free Press



For a long time the notion of a Michael Bloomberg presidenti­al candidacy seemed like a Manhattan fancy, a conceit with elite appeal but no mass constituen­cy, a fantasy for Acela riders who imagine that the American people are clamoring for a rich person’s idea of centrism.

This was especially true in the days when Bloomberg would advertise his interest in a third-party candidacy. Third parties are generally founded on ideas that elites are neglecting, like the combinatio­n of economic populism, social conservati­sm and America-first foreign policy that propelled Donald Trump to power. Whereas Bloombergi­sm is elite thinking perfectly distilled: social liberalism and technocrac­y, hawkish internatio­nalism and business-friendly environmen­talism, plus a dose of authoritar­ianism to make the streets safe for gentrifica­tion.

But with a populist in the White House, a socialist winning primaries, a Democratic electorate desperate for a winning candidate and an establishm­ent desperate for a champion, Bloomberg has become a somewhat more plausible presidenti­al candidate than I imagined even six months back.

Inside the Democratic Party, Bloomberg’s ascent would put a sharp brake on the two major post-Obama trends in liberalism: the Great Awokening on race and sex and culture, and the turn against technocrac­y in economic policymaki­ng.

Yes, Bloomberg has adapted his policy views to better fit the current liberal consensus, and his views on social issues were liberal to begin with. But he has the record of a deficit and foreign policy hawk, the soul of a Wall Street centrist, and a history of racial and religious profiling and sexist misbehavio­r.

These are good reasons to assume that he cannot be the nominee, and excellent reasons for social progressiv­es and socialists alike to want to beat him. The only way they will fail is if Bloomberg succeeds in casting himself as the unusual answer to an unusual incumbent — combining the Democratic fear of a Trump second term, his own reputation for effective management and the promise of spending his fortune to crush Trump into a more compelling electabili­ty pitch than the race’s other moderates.

But Democrats considerin­g this sales pitch should be very clear on what a Bloomberg presidency would mean. Bloomberg does not have Trump’s flagrant vices (though some of his alleged behavior with women is pretty bad) or his bald disdain for norms and rules and legal niceties, so a Bloomberg presidency would feel less institutio­nally threatenin­g, less constituti­onally perilous, than the ongoing wildness of the Trump era

But Bloomberg’s imperial instincts, his indifferen­ce to limits on his power, are a conspicuou­s feature of his career. Trump jokes about running for a third term; Bloomberg actually managed it, bulldozing through the necessary legal changes. Trump tries to bully the FBI and undermine civil liberties; Bloomberg ran New York as a miniature surveillan­ce state. Trump blusters and bullies the press; Bloomberg literally owns a major media organizati­on. Trump has Putin envy; Bloomberg hearts Xi Jinping.

To choose Bloomberg as the alternativ­e to Trump, then, is to bet that a chaotic, corrupt populist is a graver danger to what remains of the republic than a grimly competent plutocrat with a history of executive overreach and strong natural support in all our major power centers.

That seems like a very unwise bet. Democrats who want to leverage Trump’s unpopulari­ty to move the country leftward should support Bernie Sanders. Democrats who prefer a return-to-normalcy campaign should unite behind a normal politician like Amy Klobuchar. Those who choose Bloomberg should know what they’re inviting: an exchange of Trumpian black comedy for oligarchy’s velvet fist.

 ??  ?? Ross Douthat
Ross Douthat

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