Chattanooga Times Free Press

Pandemic does little to alter health care views


WASHINGTON — The coronaviru­s pushed hospitals to the edge, and millions of workers lost jobbased coverage in the economic shutdown to slow the spread, but a new poll suggests Americans have remarkably little interest in big changes to health care as a result of the pandemic.

People are still more likely to prefer the private sector than the government on driving innovation in health care, improving quality and, by a narrower margin, providing coverage, according to the survey by the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Those views are basically unchanged since February, when an earlier edition of the AP-NORC poll asked the same questions at a time the coronaviru­s was still largely seen as a problem in other countries, not the United States.

“It does strike me as odd,” said Gaye Cocoman, a retired data processing administra­tor from smalltown Macedonia, Ohio, who has Medicare. “I’m covered, but I look at the millions of people who aren’t and wonder what in the world they’re going to do if they get sick. There seems to be no appetite for change.”

The poll found that people are more likely to trust private entities over government at driving innovation in health care (70% to 28%), improving quality (62% to 36%) and providing insurance coverage (53% to 44%). Americans had more confidence in government’s ability to reduce costs, preferring it over the private sector 54% to 44%. All of those preference­s are unchanged since before COVID-19 arrived.

Not that long ago Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan was at the center of the Democratic presidenti­al debate. But even with an estimated 27 million people losing employer coverage in the economic shutdown, there’s been no groundswel­l of support for the Sanders plan, which calls for replacing the nation’s hybrid system of private and government coverage with a single government plan for all.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, asked last month whether waves of layoffs were prompting her Democratic caucus members to reconsider the employer-based system that covers most working families, responded: “That’s not our conversati­on.”

Pelosi said Democrats are backing measures to tide over workers who have lost coverage — such as expansions of the Affordable Care Act — but “rather than saying let’s take that (employer coverage) away from them, we should say let’s get them their jobs back.”

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