Chattanooga Times Free Press

What Healing Gift Did the Three Wise Men Bring to the Newborn Jesus?

New report: 15,000 Clinical Studies Confirm it Heals Aging Joints, Heart and Memory


PALM BEACH, FL – Christians and scientists alike are stunned by new evidence of Matthew 2:11, a key passage about the birth of Jesus. Until now, the verse said the Three Wise Men brought three gifts to the newborn Jesus: gold, frankincen­se and myrrh. It’s a central part of Christmas celebratio­ns in America and worldwide.

But biblical scholars have quietly wondered about the first gift for a long time. After all, frankincen­se and myrrh are both spices. They’re both powerful healers of discomfort. They made perfect sense to help Mary for post-partum aches and soreness. But why gold? It just never seemed to fit.

Now, some scholars can say with confidence that it’s not gold at all. Instead, a new translatio­n of the Gospel points to a golden spice, one that is actually the best healing gift of all. Medical research institutio­ns like Baylor, unaware it’s in the Bible, have shown it works wonders for aging joints, heart and memory. Some even call it “curative gold.” Hence the mix-up for why so many thought it was gold.

“The mistaken translatio­n may have deprived Christian Americans of their most powerful healing tool available,” says Virginia M., the botanical research director of Holy Healing Herbs. “Now that the truth is finally coming to light, we’re seeing a surge in demand for this spice from everyone — from all religions and walks of life.”

What Is This Golden Gift?

It’s a spice. And it was actually once the world’s most valuable commodity. It was used in biblical times to heal all kinds of affliction­s. It’s still called “solid gold” or “sacred gold” to this day.

This golden gift is actually turmeric. Scholars say there’s no reason why the Wise Men would have given gold metal instead. Especially when they came bearing two other spices. To top it off, it’s believed the Three Wise Men (or Magi) originated from India, where turmeric is a part of everyday life and sacred custom.

How This Biblical Spice Works

Clinical research shows that turmeric has 853 health benefits. And now they show why too. It has to do with what is being called the body’s “master switch.” One that controls 400 genes behind the inflammato­ry response.

“When this switch is on, our genes are over-activated,” says Dr. Al Sears, founder and director of the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. “These genes trigger an endless wave of agerelated inflammati­on. But when the switch is off, they stop. That’s where turmeric comes in. It helps balance the mechanism in genes that cause an agerelated inflammato­ry response.”

Don’t Look To Your Kitchen Pantry For Answers

But if you think your old kitchen spice is the answer to your prayers, think again. The most important part of the passage is the trio of spices. Call it the “holy trinity” of fighting discomfort. Turmeric on its own works well, but extra synergisti­c spices enhance its ability. This delivers the full power of turmeric. That’s why the Wise Men would have brought all three together.

Even more importantl­y, the turmeric in biblical times was different from most turmeric now. Most turmeric doesn’t contain same amount of healing compounds — curcuminoi­ds — as it did 2,000 years ago. Most turmeric is not organic. A study from the New York State Department of Health found toxins in almost half of available turmeric brands. These toxins rob turmeric of its nutrients.

Biblical-Grade Turmeric Finally Available To The Public

Scientists and religious scholars have put aside their difference­s to finally bring this biblical secret to the public. “We extracted pure organic turmeric for the right dosage of healing curcuminoi­ds,” says Dr. Sears who has teamed up with Holy Healing Herbs. “We added complement­ary spices that enhance turmeric’s effect, unleashing its full ability to target the underlying cause of so many different problems of aging.”

“This solution replicates the turmeric of biblical times better than anything on the market. This is turmeric as you most would have had it 2,000 years ago when it was the world’s No. 1 medicine. Only you don’t need a prescripti­on or doctor’s visit.”

This formula, called Curcumin Triple Burn, is only available for home delivery. However, several major pharmaceut­ical companies are currently testing turmeric in clinical settings, which means it may require a prescripti­on in the future. It’s advised to get Curcumin Triple Burn while you can.

Taking All The Risk Off Consumers

A large number of Americans using Curcumin Triple Burn experience truly amazing results. That’s why it’s now being sold with a guarantee that goes way beyond the industry standard. “We can only make this guarantee because we are 100% certain our customers will be satisfied,” says Virginia M. “We want to take full risk off consumers. So in addition to offering substantia­l discounts for first-time customers, we also make them a huge promise that ensures they don’t have to risk a cent.”

Here’s how it works: Take Curcumin Triple Burn exactly as directed and you must be thrilled with the results! Otherwise, simply return the empty bottles within 90 days of purchase for a full refund.

Where To Find Curcumin Triple Burn

This is the official nationwide release of Curcumin Triple Burn. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to anyone who calls within the next 48 hours. An Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Curcumin Triple Burn. Starting at 7:00 a.m. today, the discount offer will be available for 48 hours. To secure bottles of this unique formula, all you have to do is call the Sears Toll-Free Health Hotline at 1-866-837-6098. The company will do the rest.

Important: Use Promo Code NP0620CUR8 when you call in. If the lines are busy, keep trying — all calls will be answered. Due to turmeric’s growing popularity and recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediatel­y get through, please keep trying — all calls will be answered.


 ??  ?? Lost in translatio­n healing gift discovered 2,000 years later
Lost in translatio­n healing gift discovered 2,000 years later

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