Chattanooga Times Free Press

Floyd’s death spurs question: What is a black life worth?


MINNEAPOLI­S — For 12-year-old Tamir Rice, it was simply carrying a toy handgun. For Eric Garner, it was allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes. For Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and Ahmaud Arbery, it was the minor offenses of jaywalking, failing to signal a lane change and trespassin­g on a residentia­l constructi­on site.

And for George Floyd, it was an accusation he used a fake $20 bill at a grocery store. While in police custody on May 25, Floyd repeatedly pleaded “I can’t breathe,” as a white officer in Minneapoli­s pressed his knee into the black man’s neck for what prosecutor­s say was nearly nine minutes.

“George wasn’t hurting anyone that day,” his brother, Philonise Floyd, said Wednesday in testimony to a House Judiciary Committee hearing on policing practices and law enforcemen­t accountabi­lity.

“He didn’t deserve to die over $20. I am asking you, is that what a black man’s life is worth?”

Twenty dollars: To some, that’s chump change. But George Floyd was not a chump, family and friends in Houston, where he grew up, asserted when they laid him to rest this week in a golden coffin. Those who mourned him at memorials held across three states said the value of the 46-year-old’s life far surpassed that.

In death, Floyd has created an invaluable and, some say, unpreceden­ted moment for the national struggle against institutio­nal racism and inequality.

In Minnesota, across the nation and around the world, outrage turned into action as protests grew, propelled by the reality that African Americans become martyrs of the Black Lives Matter movement over such trivial activities — in circumstan­ces where their rights are discarded, their liberty deprived, their lives devalued. And where they’re far more likely than whites to die at the hands of police.

“What’s exposed in this moment is something black folks have always known: How quickly we can be killed by law enforcemen­t over the most trivial things,” said Chelsea Fuller, spokespers­on for the Movement for Black Lives, a national coalition of more than 150 black-led grassroots organizati­ons seeking the liberation of black people.

“This is now clear as day to everyone, including white people, and we all need to face that the solution to this endemic problem won’t be quick or easy, but it is urgent and necessary,” she said in a statement.

For some who now seek change, the fix starts with reforming police department­s and the U.S. criminal justice system. Others favor a deeper reckoning to address centuries-old assumption­s that black lives hold only a fraction of the value placed on the rights, liberty, lives and property of the white majority in America.

“Human life (does not equal) 20 bucks,” read a protest sign during a rally last week at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul.

A week after Floyd’s death, Miski Noor, an activist with the Twin Cities-based Black Visions Collective, visited the area around Cup Foods, the grocery store at Chicago Avenue and 38th Street where an employee called police to report a man who allegedly bought cigarettes with a counterfei­t $20 bill.

 ?? AP PHOTO/BEBETO MATTHEWS ?? People gather near the Cup Foods grocery store June 1 where George Floyd died in Minneapoli­s. Floyd was accused of using a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes from the grocery store. His story is similar to that of other African Americans who died at the hands of police over minor offenses.
AP PHOTO/BEBETO MATTHEWS People gather near the Cup Foods grocery store June 1 where George Floyd died in Minneapoli­s. Floyd was accused of using a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes from the grocery store. His story is similar to that of other African Americans who died at the hands of police over minor offenses.

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