Chattanooga Times Free Press



When the levees broke under Hurricane Katrina, the Army Corps of Engineers was roasted for spending billions and still failing to protect Americans. So where’s the outrage over the latest epic government­al fail — this one by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?

The federal agency with primary responsibi­lity for handling infectious diseases, the CDC uses an antiquated system to collect informatio­n essential to fighting the coronaviru­s. Medical workers literally phone or fax in their data. And when they do, it’s not the data we need.

The CDC employs thousands of experts and has been around for 76 years. Yet its COVID-19 data pales in comparison to what’s available on websites that didn’t even exist a few months ago. One of these, The Atlantic’s COVID Tracking Project, was launched in March — the same month Congress gave the CDC $1 billion to collect the same data.

Multiple Congresses and administra­tions have tried to drag the CDC into the 21st century, to no avail. Since 2006, the CDC has ignored four separate laws requiring it to build a modern, efficient system for collecting informatio­n to combat disease.

The Government Accountabi­lity Office has twice reprimande­d the CDC for its impudence. A decade ago, it warned prophetica­lly that “the nation will lack an effective tool for ensuring that public health situationa­l awareness capabiliti­es have been establishe­d.” Yet the CDC still has not acted.

When Congress required the centers to establish a modernized system in 2006, it gave them a 2008 deadline. Yet 12 years on, the CDC still has not stitched together more than 100 reporting systems into a cohesive dashboard.

Compoundin­g the problem is the fact that CDC reporting is usually a one-way street: Health care workers report to public health officials, but get little informatio­n back. The result: Clinical knowledge, patient data and best practices for treating COVID-19 aren’t being shared in real time for hospitals and policymake­rs to use. That is costing lives, as well as trillions of dollars.

To succeed where the CDC has failed, the Department of Health and Human Services must do four things.

First, it must identify, prioritize and standardiz­e the key data needed to ensure a robust, informed response to COVID-19, opioid abuse and other public health threats. For example, it is essential to collect timely informatio­n on hospitaliz­ations and mortality, the age and comorbidit­ies of patients, and total net active cases. It is scandalous that this data is not uniformly defined and reported.

Second, data must be collected within normal clinical workflows. Front-line doctors don’t have time to file separate reports on top of the claims data they submit to insurers, yet that’s precisely what they have to do today. Almost all hospitals — and 75% of physician offices — now use electronic systems (created with a $40 billion investment from federal taxpayers) to file insurance claims. Yet they are forced to re-enter data by hand when they report to public health agencies.

Third, informatio­n must be shared in real-time with medical profession­als. Reporting should be a two-way street that informs public health decision-making and clinical care.

Finally, the network must contain strong privacy protection­s. Data transmitte­d to the federal government should be de-identified.

The CDC’s long-standing failure to modernize its data systems is intolerabl­e. Things must change, and quickly, to improve our understand­ing of the pandemic and prepare us for future crises.

Joel White is the executive director of the Health Innovation Alliance. Doug Badger is a senior fellow at the Galen Institute and a visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

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