Chattanooga Times Free Press

Shiite Muslims mark holy day of mourning in virus’ shadow


Shiite Muslims are observing the solemn holy day of Ashoura they typically mark with large, mournful gatherings, in the shadow of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Ashoura commemorat­es the seventh-century killing of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, in the Battle of Karbala in present-day Iraq with the army of then Caliph Yazid, to whom Hussein had refused to pledge allegiance.

“At its heart, it’s the story of the sacrifice of an extraordin­ary religious figure,” said Noor Zaidi, who teaches history at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and researches Shiite Islam. “It’s [also] the story of familial love between Hussein and those who were with him in Karbala. …

It also has this real, sort of revolution­ary component to it,” she said.

The Day of Ashoura falls on the 10th of the Islamic month of Muharram and is preceded by days of commemorat­ions and remembranc­e. The public expression­s of communal mourning are generally associated with Shiites. For many Sunnis, Ashoura is a remembranc­e of more than one event, including the Mosesled exodus from Egypt.

In Iraq, pilgrims ordinarily converge on the holy city of Karbala, site of the battle and home to a shrine to Imam Hussein.

But with the pandemic, Iraq’s top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, encouraged people to observe the mourning in other ways such as watching online or televised commemorat­ions from home.

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