Chattanooga Times Free Press

Truth and wisdom in a digital age


Every single day, approximat­ely 500 million tweets are tweeted, 4 million hours of video is added to YouTube and 4.3 billion Facebook messages are posted. If a single person were to view all the informatio­n uploaded to the internet just in the last 24 hours, it would take longer than the span of recorded human history.

The mistake is assuming that a deluge of informatio­n means that we are better informed. Not at all. In fact, a new report by Pew Research found that what they called “extremely online people,” meaning those who rely primarily on social media for their political news, are among the least-informed and most easily deceived groups in America. described these findings this way: “Analyzing polls conducted from October of last year through June 2020 … Pew found that just 8% of U.S. adults who get most of their political news from social media say they are following news about the 2020 election ‘very closely,’ compared with roughly four times as many among those who turn mostly to cable news (37%) and print (33%).” The Pew study also confirmed these self-reports. When evaluated on their current political knowledge, those who turned to social media for news scored lower than any other group, except those who relied mainly on local TV. Those who relied on a variety of sources, including news websites, cable and print news scored highest.

Interestin­gly, exclusive Facebook and Twitter users did score higher in their knowledge of conspiracy theories, such as 5G causes coronaviru­s or Bill Gates is planning to inject people with tracking microchips. In other words, what someone finds illuminati­ng vs. Illuminati largely depends on the amount of time they spend on social media.

All of which underscore­s the fundamenta­l myth of the Informatio­n Age: that access to informatio­n is the same as knowing, and that knowing about something is the same thing as wisdom. In one of the choruses from the play “The Rock,” T.S. Eliot asked: “Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in informatio­n?” He wrote that in 1934. What would he say about the informatio­n deluge of today?

How is it possible that, in an age when the answer to almost any question is only a few taps or keystrokes away, the least informed are those who do the most tapping and typing? As Eliot suggests, we’ve confused informatio­n with knowledge, and knowledge with wisdom.

Unfortunat­ely, shouting the truth more loudly or posting in all caps on social media is rarely an effective response. In fact, Christians who see their job as primarily telling the truth, rather than engaging people with the truth, are often just lost voices among all the noise. I’m painfully aware that, even with my own children, I am but one stop on the informatio­n bus of their day — and there are a lot of stops.

For example, it’s far too common for parents to find the faith or moral conviction­s of their students derailed by anti-Christian claims and pseudo-arguments that are just, well, silly. I mean by claims any apologist or theologian or coherent thinker could debunk in minutes. The answers are there, but they are convinced by a particular set of voices, and they’re not hearing the others. Even more often, however, students are just preoccupie­d with digital diversions that replaced any hunger for finding truth with what Aldous Huxley called an “appetite for distractio­n.”

These students, like all those identified by Pew as being “very online,” need more informatio­n like a drowning man needs more water. The only real antidote, as Brett Kunkle and I describe in the book “A Practical Guide to Culture,” is discernmen­t, an ability to sort through the excess of informatio­n, to identify what is true and good, and then to choose according to wisdom.

Of course, developing discernmen­t is a lifelong process but can begin with a few very simple but careful questions: “What is meant by this?” “Is this true?” “How does the Bible speak to this?” “Will God be honored?” “Will the image of God be respected?” “Is this source trustworth­y?” “Is this intended for my good?” and “Is this helping love and care about the right things?”

Though I thank Pew for the revealing survey, discernmen­t is about more than being better-informed voters. It’s about keeping our heads above water in an age drowning us with informatio­n so we can be people of truth, wisdom and love. From BreakPoint, Aug. 13, 2020; reprinted by permission of the Colson Center, www.

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