Chattanooga Times Free Press

Walden’s future best served by Lee Davis

- Dona Smith Walden

I support Lee Davis for mayor of Walden. Responsibl­e developmen­t of our town is the focus of his campaign.

One of my primary concerns about the proposed and pending Food City business complex in Walden is its effect on our entire community.

We already have a grocery store on Signal Mountain. Can our mountain really support two grocery stores? I fear we cannot. Really — we cannot even keep viable three fast food businesses — McDonalds, Taco Bell and Hardees.

We are two separate towns, Signal Mountain and Walden, but we are one community. Signal Mountain already rejected this developmen­t.

I fully expect one of these two groceries to go out of business. Our community will be stuck with a huge empty building. It will be a blight on our entire community. Let us visualize that among some already vacant business locations.

Please support Lee Davis for mayor of Walden. He will favor developmen­t that is consistent with and enhances our entire mountain community.

I urge my fellow Walden citizens to vote for Lee Davis and I ask my Signal Mountain neighbors to encourage their Walden friends to vote for Lee Davis.

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