Chattanooga Times Free Press

Who has read the King Donald Bible version?


I can’t help but laugh when I read or hear someone say God put Trump in office.

Trump said he’s never prayed because he’s never done anything wrong. I guess lying, fraud and adultery are allowed in his eyes. You are praying to the wrong God when praying for him and Melania. Trump only worships himself; God has no idea who he is.

I’ve never read the Kind Donald version of the Bible that Trump supporters live by, but in the King James Version, I believe that the anti-Christ dies and comes back like Jesus. Could it be Trump’s supporters have been worshiping the anti-Christ? Could Trump be faking this to get out of another debate? I put nothing past this man. How can you get sick from a hoax?

Whenever I visit a friend that supports Trump, I’m only going to see Fox News 24/7. The five latest issues of National Enquirer are proudly displayed on the coffee table. After reading them. I’m more worried about catfish waking out of the water swallowing people than I am about mail-in voter fraud.

Tony Borders

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