Chattanooga Times Free Press



Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, is an “originalis­t.” Given that originalis­m is a term coined by lawyers, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there are many different flavors of originalis­m. But, as Barrett explained in her confirmati­on hearings, they all share the basic idea that the meaning of the Constituti­on can be found in the Constituti­on.

“So in English,” she explained, “that means that I interpret the Constituti­on as a law, that I interpret its text as text and I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. So that meaning doesn’t change over time. And it’s not up to me to update it or infuse my own policy views into it.”

I don’t understand why this should be a difficult concept to understand. And yet for some people, it remains not only incomprehe­nsible but utterly contemptib­le.

Dan Rather, who for decades at CBS News cast himself as a neutral reporter of facts, declared on Twitter the other day: “If you want to be an ‘originalis­t’ in law, maybe you should go all the way. Cooking on a hearth. Leeches for medicine. An old mule for transporta­tion. Or maybe you can recognize that the world changes.”

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California, tweeted this gem of an insight: “An ‘originalis­t’ reading of the Constituti­on would disqualify Judge Barrett, or any woman, from serving on the Supreme Court or from owning property or voting. ‘Originalis­m’ is a cover for deeply unpopular & un-democratic policies, not some kind of serious judicial philosophy.”

People who mock originalis­m subscribe to the view that the Constituti­on is a “living, breathing” document whose meaning changes with every generation. When I object to this idea, I often hear the kind of nonsense offered by Rather and Lee: that if the Constituti­on didn’t change over time, Black people would still be in chains, women wouldn’t be able to vote, etc.

The problem is that they’re letting the “living Constituti­on” take credit for battles it didn’t win. Women have the vote because of the 19th Amendment. It was the 13th Amendment that ended slavery, not the good intentions of Supreme Court justices.

When you amend the Constituti­on, you’re changing its meaning according to the rules of the Constituti­on. No one “breathed” new meaning into the words; they added more words.

Now, I would argue that those new words were in the spirit of the ideas that gave birth to this country and the Constituti­on. But that’s another debate, and people are free to disagree. Either way, these improvemen­ts to the Constituti­on weren’t discovered in some literary seminar reinterpre­ting the existing text. We changed the text.

By the way, if you believe that justices can invent new meanings for the text, what would be your principled argument against the court ruling that a four-year term for presidents is simply another vestige of bygone days when we used leeches for medicine and cooked on a hearth?

Yes, of course things have changed since the founding era. Of course it takes serious legal and intellectu­al effort to figure out how, for example, free speech principles work in an era of social media and the internet. That’s one reason originalis­ts often come to different conclusion­s about how to interpret the Constituti­on and the relevant precedents.

But here’s the thing: They’re interpreti­ng the actual Constituti­on.

What is the alternativ­e? To listen to many Democrats in the Barrett hearings, the alternativ­e is to simply look for the policy outcomes you want and declare them constituti­onal.

If that’s how it should work, why have a court at all?

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Jonah Goldberg
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