Chattanooga Times Free Press

Iran’s supreme leader vows revenge over slain scientist


TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s supreme leader on Saturday demanded the “definitive punishment” of those behind the killing of a scientist who led Tehran’s disbanded military nuclear program, as the Islamic Republic blamed Israel for a slaying that has raised fears of reignited tensions across the Middle East.

After years of being in the shadows, the image of Mohsen Fakhrizade­h suddenly was to be seen everywhere in Iranian media, as his widow spoke on state television and officials publicly demanded revenge on Israel for the scientist’s slaying.

Israel, long suspected of killing Iranian scientists a decade ago amid earlier tensions over Tehran’s nuclear program, has yet to comment on Fakhrizade­h’s killing Friday. However, the attack bore the hallmarks of a carefully planned, military-style ambush, the likes of which Israel has been accused of conducting before.

The attack has renewed fears of Iran striking back against the U.S., Israel’s closest ally in the region, as it did earlier this year when a U.S. drone strike killed a top Iranian general. The U.S. military acknowledg­ed moving an aircraft carrier back into the region, while an Iranian lawmaker suggested throwing out U.N. nuclear inspectors in response to the killing.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called Fakhrizade­h “the country’s prominent and distinguis­hed nuclear and defensive scientist.” Khamenei, who has the final say on all matters of state, said Iran’s first priority after the killing was the “definitive punishment of the perpetrato­rs and those who ordered it.” He did not elaborate.

Speaking earlier Saturday, President Hassan Rouhani blamed Israel for the killing.

“We will respond to the assassinat­ion of Martyr Fakhrizade­h in a proper time,” Rouhani said. “The Iranian nation is smarter than falling into the trap of the Zionists. They are thinking to create chaos.”

The United Nations called for restraint.

“Of course we condemn any assassinat­ion or extra-judicial killing,” said Stephane Dujarric, spokespers­on for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “We urge restraint and the need to avoid any actions that could lead to an escalation of tensions in the region.”

Both Rouhani and Khamenei said Fakhrizade­h’s death would not stop the nuclear program. Iran’s civilian atomic program has continued its experiment­s and now enriches a growing uranium stockpile up to 4.5% purity in response to the collapse of Iran’s nuclear deal after the U.S.’ 2018 withdrawal from the accord.

That’s still far below weapons-grade levels of 90%, though experts warn Iran now has enough low-enriched uranium for at least two atomic bombs if it chose to pursue them.

Analysts have compared Fakhrizade­h to being on par with Robert Oppenheime­r, the scientist who led America’s Manhattan Project in World War II that created the atom bomb.

Fakhrizade­h headed Iran’s so-called AMAD program that Israel and the West have alleged was a military operation looking at the feasibilit­y of building a nuclear weapon. The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency says that “structured program” ended in 2003. Iran long has maintained its nuclear program is peaceful.

Fakhriza de h’ s widow appeared unnamed on state television in a black chador, saying his death would spark a thousand others to take up his work.

“He wanted to get martyred and his wish came true,” she said.

Hard-line Iranian media has begun circulatin­g memorial images showing Fakhrizade­h standing alongside a machinegun-cradling likeness of Revolution­ary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, whom the U.S. killed in the January drone strike.

 ?? AP PHOTO/VAHID SALEMI ?? A group of protesters burns pictures of U.S. President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden in front of the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Saturday, a day after the killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizade­h.
AP PHOTO/VAHID SALEMI A group of protesters burns pictures of U.S. President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden in front of the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Saturday, a day after the killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizade­h.

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