Chattanooga Times Free Press



I am not disappoint­ed in Donald Trump.

For there to be disappoint­ment at childish behavior presumes an expectatio­n of adult behavior. No such expectatio­n exists where Trump is concerned. So his weeks of sulking and floating bizarre conspiracy theories since he lost the election, while embarrassi­ng in the extreme, doesn’t really let me down so much as confirm what I already knew. One might as well be disappoint­ed in an infant for soiling his diaper as to be disappoint­ed in Trump for soiling his office.

But I must admit that prior to this I did harbor some tiny, flickering expectatio­n that, if pushed to the limit, the Republican Party, the party always lecturing the rest of us on patriotism, would stand up for the country. I did expect — or maybe it was just a vestigial hope — that when rubber met road, the GOP would finally put America … ahem, first.

Well, call it expectatio­n or call it hope, but it’s dead. And it died, quite literally, in silence.

That silence descended four days after the election when every major news organizati­on declared Joe Biden the winner and, more to the point, Donald Trump the loser. Soon, news broke that Trump’s General Services Administra­tion was refusing to allow the presidenti­al transition to officially get under way (a blockade it did not lift until Monday). Experts said this would hamper the incoming president’s ability to conduct foreign policy and manage the pandemic. They called it a threat to the nation. The GOP’s response?


That silence persisted as Trump tried to steal Michigan’s electoral votes by pushing to discard ballots from majority-black Detroit. As he and his allies filed dozens of lawsuits and failed dozens of times to prove allegation­s of corruption. As he denied the incoming president access to classified security briefings. As he openly undermined the democracy he was sworn to protect.

Almost three weeks later. Trump retreats ever deeper into his delusions about election fraud — the resemblanc­e to Hitler in his bunker, ordering nonexisten­t armies into action, cannot be denied — yet it is still news whenever some lonely Republican musters the guts to refer to the president-elect as the president-elect. Even more so when some still-serving party member rebukes Trump.

New York Rep. Peter King said it was inexcusabl­e, in the summer of 2014, for President Obama to wear a tan suit. Yet about Trump’s subversion of democracy, he has said nothing. Monday, on Twitter and CNN, respected reporter Carl Bernstein named 21 GOP senators, including McSally, Grassley, Cornyn, Collins, Rubio and Rick Scott, who in private, he says, “have repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for Trump and his fitness to be POTUS.”

Yet almost none has been willing to say so publicly. Why? Well, they’re scared Trump might tweet at them. That could even cost them an election. But if fear of losing your job keeps you from defending your country, you don’t deserve the job. Frankly, you don’t even deserve the country.

We are a people of notoriousl­y short memories. But one hopes we recall the stink of this cowardice for a very long time. At a minimum, let Republican­s never again presume to lecture the rest of us on patriotism, a concept they plainly know nothing about. Because when it came time to put muscle behind that pretty word, to risk something for the country they purport to love, they swallowed their tongues, lost their voices, fell mute. This is a display of gutlessnes­s historians will be dissecting for years.

And yes, I did expect better. Obviously, I was wrong.

 ??  ?? Leonard Pitts
Leonard Pitts

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