Chattanooga Times Free Press

What to do when you are stuck at home together

- Julie Baumgardne­r is president and CEO of family advocacy nonprofit First Things First. Email her at julieb@firstthing­

With the ongoing pandemic, many couples are stuck at home together more than ever, which for some has been great. For others, it’s been a real struggle to not get on each other’s last nerve.

After witnessing some of these struggles, Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages,” wrote

“5 Ways To Be

With Each Other When You are Stuck at Home”

Here are his suggestion­s to help couples navigate COVID-19 as a couple.


“You can kill your spouse with your tongue, or you can give them life,” says Chapman. “Verbal bombs will always explode in the heart and mind of your spouse. Each of these bombs causes further destructio­n in the relationsh­ip.”

Chapman recommends trying to go three weeks without throwing a bomb. Then work to replace the bombs with affirmatio­n or appreciati­on.

You might be thinking you don’t have any words of appreciati­on for your spouse. If that’s the case, Chapman encourages you to think of just three things to appreciate about your spouse. It could be putting gas in the car, cooking a meal, engaging with the children, rememberin­g to pay the bills or something else. If affirmatio­n and appreciati­on don’t come easily for you, try writing out a sentence and practice saying it before you say it to your spouse. For the next three weeks, share one way you appreciate your spouse without expecting anything in return.

“This changes the emotional climate in a relationsh­ip,” Chapman says. “It moves it from death to life.”


It’s easy to get offended in stressful times, especially if your relationsh­ip is already rocky. According to Chapman, each time a spouse is offended, they put a block in the wall. Before you know it, that wall is long, high and thick. It’s impossible to have a long-term healthy marriage without apologies and forgivenes­s.

Chapman says apologies don’t look the same for everyone, and research backs that up. When you apologize, what do you say or do? What do you want to hear and see when someone apologizes to you? The following five ways to apologize can help you out in this area:

› Expressing regret. This is the emotional aspect of an apology. People who speak this language believe it’s important to acknowledg­e that you offended them. Then you must express your own sense of guilt, shame and pain that your behavior has hurt them deeply. Saying, “I’m sorry” is very important to a person who speaks this language.

› Accepting responsibi­lity.

In this instance, an apology means accepting responsibi­lity for one’s actions and being willing to say, “I was wrong.”

› Making restitutio­n. For an apology to be genuine, it isn’t just about saying, “I am sorry.” It’s about making it right.

› Genuinely repenting. The word repentance means “to turn around” or to change one’s mind. And not doing it again.

› Requesting forgivenes­s. A person who speaks this language believes an apology not only includes, “I’m sorry,” but also asking for forgivenes­s.

“Forgivenes­s is not a feeling; it is a decision,” Chapman says.

“Forgivenes­s does not remove the consequenc­es nor does it rebuild trust.” It’s a good place to start rebuilding your relationsh­ip.


There are five love languages: words of affirmatio­n, quality time, acts of service, physical touch and gifts. If you don’t know your own love language or your spouse’s love language, do yourself a favor and take the quiz ( 5lovelangu­ages. com/). This one thing could transform your marriage.


Even though roles may have changed during the pandemic, you probably have the same objective as a couple: to keep all the balls up in the air and keep your relationsh­ip moving forward. If you’re both willing to adapt and adjust and work together as a team it can make the load seem lighter.


Take time out each day and share three things that happened in your life and how you feel about them. You may know what your spouse is doing, but you may not know how they’re feeling or what they’re thinking unless you take time to be curious and find out.

If you want to take things a step further, Chapman suggests a weekly time focused on one conflict or thing you wish you could change as a couple. Take turns sharing.

No doubt, every marriage faces challenges, but most would agree this year has been a bit extra. If you feel your marriage is off-kilter, utilizing these five strategies can help you get things back on track and enjoy each other’s company while you are stuck at home together.

 ?? Julie Baumgardne­r ??
Julie Baumgardne­r

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