Chattanooga Times Free Press

Feds defend including undocument­ed in census


“Alabama might well retain seven House seats regardless of whether undocument­ed immigrants are included in the apportionm­ent base.”


In a reversal of policy under then-President Donald Trump, Biden administra­tion attorneys are arguing that the state of Alabama has no standing in trying to stop the U.S. Census Bureau from including people in the country illegally from the numbers used for divvying up congressio­nal seats.

A federal judge should dismiss a lawsuit from Alabama and Republican U.S. Rep. Morris “Mo” Brooks seeking the exclusion of people in the country illegally from the apportionm­ent numbers, attorneys for President Joe Biden’s administra­tion said in court papers Wednesday. At the very least, the judge should put the court case on hold until the Census Bureau releases apportionm­ent figures by the end of April that will show whether Alabama keeps seven congressio­nal seats or drops to six, they said.

“The possibilit­y that Alabama might receive only six House seats is, by definition, contingent and speculativ­e,” Biden administra­tion attorneys said. “After all, Alabama might well retain seven House seats regardless of whether undocument­ed immigrants are included in the apportionm­ent base.”

A lot has happened since Alabama first filed the lawsuit in 2018 in a preemptive move to save the state from losing a congressio­nal seat during the process in which the House of Representa­tives’ 435 voting seats are divided up among the states based on a population count conducted during the oncea-decade census.

Last year, Trump issued a memorandum that aligned his administra­tion’s position with Alabama’s efforts to exclude people in the country illegally from the apportionm­ent count. After the memorandum was challenged in multiple lawsuits, the Supreme Court ruled it was premature to decide on its legality because it wasn’t yet clear how many people would be excluded and whether the division of House seats would be affected. Finally, on his first day in office last month, Biden rescinded Trump’s memorandum, as well as a Trump order directing the Census Bureau to produce citizenshi­p data.

With all that going on, the judge in the Alabama case wanted an update this week on how to proceed from all sides, including several states and civil rights groups that are fighting Alabama’s efforts and say any harm to the Cotton State is too speculativ­e at this point.

The Alabama case is the last one pending over whether people in the U.S. illegally can be excluded from the apportionm­ent count.

The Justice Department asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuit two years ago. But it was well before Trump issued his memorandum on apportionm­ent, putting Department of Justice attorneys in the awkward spot of defending a position in opposition to administra­tion policy. But U.S. District Judge David Proctor allowed the case to proceed. After Trump issued his memo last July, the Alabama case was placed on hold until the Supreme Court could rule on the memo’s challenges in other lawsuits.

Biden’s order has nullified Alabama’s challenge to a Census Bureau rule that says people should be counted where they live and sleep most of the time since the new president’s directive requires the apportionm­ent count to include the total number of people living in each state regardless of immigratio­n status, Biden administra­tion attorneys said. If Alabama wants to continue the case, a three-judge panel needs to be appointed since it will present a challenge to the constituti­onality of the apportionm­ent process, they said.

Alabama said in court papers this month that Biden’s order puts the state at risk of losing political representa­tion. Rather than challengin­g the apportionm­ent process, Alabama is merely challengin­g Census Bureau operations, so it’s unlike the earlier case in which the Supreme Court ruled a challenge was premature, attorneys for Alabama said.

“What is more, the States holding disproport­ionately more illegal aliens than Alabama are the very states threatenin­g Alabama’s representa­tion,” attorneys for Alabama said.

Any ruling would only affect the numbers used for dividing up congressio­nal seats among the seats and not affect other ways the 2020 census figures are used, such as the distributi­on of $1.5 trillion in federal funding each year.

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