Chattanooga Times Free Press



The Texas weather blame game has been a telling moment for Lone Star State Republican­s. And it doesn’t tell anything good.

Gov. Greg Abbott, one of the state’s many Republican leaders, let his mouth run away with him Tuesday in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, whining about the proposed Green New Deal and blaming wind turbines that had frozen in the extreme cold for causing the massive power failures in Texas.

“This shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America. … Our wind and solar got shut down, and they were collective­ly more than 10 percent of our power grid. And that thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power on a statewide basis.”

It was just another big lie. A lie designed to cover up another big failure of Texas Republican leadership to not insist that the state’s infrastruc­ture receive adequate maintenanc­e and appropriat­e safety designs for the world’s increasing­ly extreme weather.

In reality, Texas’ problems with the state’s renewable energy sources were only a small part of the issue. The bigger trouble lurked among the other 90% of the state’s power plants that primarily run on natural gas. They, too, seized up in the cold.

Pressed by journalist­s in a news conference the next day, Abbott acknowledg­ed that fact.

But here’s the thing. Wind turbines in Iowa and North Dakota don’t freeze up. Gas plants in Michigan don’t seize from the cold. But they would if their operators were unregulate­d and took shortcuts like not weatherizi­ng — all in order to maximize profits.

That’s what happened in Texas — with the full blessing of the state’s government.

Texas has for decades evaded federal regulation of its power generation industry. The state pays only for the energy generated, and offers no incentives to power companies to build reserves for times of extreme demand or to make their plants more resilient to extreme weather.

In 2011, a similar February cold snap plunged temperatur­es below freezing for four consecutiv­e days. Then, too, generators were unable to meet demand and more than 1 million South Texas customers lost power. Rolling blackouts affected another 3 million households and businesses statewide. The federal government in a report noted deficienci­es across energy sources and recommende­d more adequate winterizat­ion procedures for the infrastruc­ture.

Few of those recommenda­tions were adopted. The state’s public utility commission rejected that model, in part because it would increase costs for businesses and consumers attracted to Texas’s “affordable power rates and low cost of living.”

Texas is not alone in having made few investment­s in the overall infrastruc­ture of its public utilities and state entities failing to respond to the realities of extreme weather and climate change.

Our own Tennessee Valley Authority’s Kingston ash spill was the result of failed infrastruc­ture that was allowed to worsen with no attention for years, despite warning signs. Price tag? The cleanup alone tallied $1.2 billion.

And TVA had to be pushed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, after a whistleblo­wer complaint and the fallout of the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan, to elevate emergency pumps and generators and raise earthen dam skirts to protect against potential catastroph­ic flooding. Price tag? At least $25 million.

Even on a national level, it’s hard to understate how bad much of America’s infrastruc­ture has gotten. The national electric grid gets a D+ grade from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The rest of our infrastruc­ture also is in bad shape, from bridges and roads to water systems and pipelines to schools, ports, railways, airports and more.

In September, Katharine Hayhoe, a leading atmospheri­c scientist at Texas Tech University, spent an hour talking with Reuters about severe weather, climate change and engineerin­g resiliency.

Hayhoe is not just another “radical” who worked on the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change. She is known as an upbeat evangelica­l Christian who studies climate change and finds no conflict between religious faith and science.

Hayhoe said scientists like her have done the world a disservice by choosing “conservati­ve ranges” in talking about the probabilit­ies of climate change and its impacts.

Scientists tend to err on the side of what one study calls “least drama,” meaning they tend to agree on the lowest common denominato­r, she said. But while working recently with infrastruc­ture engineers to design resilient bridges, roads and culverts against record weather events, she has adopted a new view.

“The biggest lesson we learned … was that an engineer’s definition of conservati­ve is exactly the opposite of a climate scientist’s. An engineer’s definition of conservati­ve is the worst-case scenario, times two or four or, if they’re very conservati­ve, 10. Because human lives are at risk. … I think the engineers have it right. Because if it’s human life that’s at stake — if it’s human civilizati­on that’s at stake, and that is what really is at stake — shouldn’t we be erring on the side of making sure we really will be okay rather than just giving ourselves a 50/50 chance of making it?”

Texas needs to listen to their own leading climate scientist. We all do.

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