Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Ron Hart Contact Ron Hart, a syndicated op-ed satirist, award-winning author and TV/radio commentato­r, at Ron@ or www.RonaldHart. com.

The latest taxpayer-funded, community theater production of “Get Trump” just concluded this winter’s episode with his acquittal on his second bogus impeachmen­t trial. One more impeachmen­t and he gets a free 6-inch Subway sandwich.

The Democrats tried someone who was no longer president, knowing full well they would not get a conviction. Devoid of workable ideas, they focus their power on using the blunt force of government to go after their enemies. It reminds us why we try not to elect them.

Yet Trump still lives, not only in their heads but in the psyche of voters who know Washington is vindictive and broken, which was why they sent Trump there in the first place. Now Trump is running his “Office of the Former President” out of Florida, the closest he has come to a concession speech. Next the Dems will try to impeach him and remove him from that office. Nancy Pelosi and CNN have already put out casting calls for future witnesses.

Now Trump has an historic first: impeached and acquitted twice. That beats Bill Clinton’s record (though both were impeached for humiliatin­g Hillary) and the West Coast record set by O.J. Simpson. Donald Trump did not attend the Senate trial trying to convict him because he was busy out looking for the real killer.

You will remember Adam Schiff from his previous production­s of “Russian Collusion,” “Obstructio­n of Justice” and the made-for-TV fiction “Kavanaugh: The Accidental Rapist.” Schiff for Brains’ credibilit­y was so damaged they had to get another blue state lib, Congresspe­rson Jamie Raskin, D-Maryland, to lead this latest farce. He looked like a high school nerd trying to bring the quarterbac­k up on charges. It was sad.

If I were Raskin, I would look at the media clowns the Dems marched out on TV the past few years and what became of them: Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner and self-proclaimed COVID expert Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Then you’ve got your Democratic presidenti­al hopeful, porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, who went down harder than his client, Stormy Daniels. And Schiff and Eric Swalwell: They are so attracted to TV lights they look like a game warden just shined a flashlight in their eyes at night.

If the Dems really wanted to kill Trump, they should have gotten Cuomo to send him to a New York nursing home.

The DNC Studio, run by casting director Pelosi, should have had Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, produce this latest show since he is House Judiciary Committee chairman. Apparently “Lil’ Nads” has had his last role, and the reviews were bad. You remember Nadler: the only guy I know who buys his pants based on his neck size.

They talked about getting Trump for acts of sedition. I have seen Biden speak. He should be charged with acts of sedation. He is boring and surrounds himself with Democratic hacks. I miss the days when Trump was a Russian spy, doing things with hookers on hotel beds in Moscow. Good times.

Maybe now the Democratic Congress can impeach Thomas Jefferson for owning slaves. Where does this end? Maybe the Deep State folks at the EPA can go back and get Trump on the Stormy Daniels accusation­s: perhaps drilling without a permit.

AOC and Kamala Harris are essentiall­y running this loony political party via media hysteria. They slide executive orders in front of the senile Biden to sign; he looks like Mel Brooks’ character Gov. Lepetomane in “Blazing Saddles.” One they slipped in was co-signing a car loan for AOC. I don’t even watch their theatrics anymore. I am practicing socialist distancing.

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