Chattanooga Times Free Press

Deplatform­ing Trump would be seen as little more than a political act


The question of a permanent ban is about whether Facebook’s “supreme court” should institute one, not whether Facebook has the legal right. I’ll stipulate the legal right and limit myself to what I believe would be a ban’s negative effects on society and on Facebook’s business.

The freedom to speak, hear and explore controvers­ial ideas, even disturbing ones, is critical for a free society. The importance of this liberty extends beyond legal freedom of speech — which was the major concern over two centuries ago when only government could meaningful­ly stifle the exchange of ideas. Now, private organizati­ons such as Facebook are powerful enough to control others’

speech at critical times, such as during a public controvers­y or an election. Facebook should recognize its outsize role and view itself not just as a supplier of advertisin­g but as also providing a fabric for society where freedom should abound and do its work.

There are several reasons this freedom is important. Among them are America’s need for a vibrant marketplac­e of ideas, the impossibil­ity of overlords managing speech in society’s best interests, and its role in developing vigorous and anti-fragile minds. Competitio­n between ideas is important because truth is hard to know, and knowledge is always evolving. Today, scientific research constantly expands what we can know, proving previously accepted truths to be false and demonstrat­ing the limits to humanity’s mental abilities.

Oversight boards are also subject to these limitation­s, which is one reason freedom is a superior means for determinin­g what people should debate and believe. Additional­ly, when such power is concentrat­ed in the hands of a few, they often use it for their own benefit — and to the detriment of their rivals. This insight is one reason America embraces democratic principles and is wary of concentrat­ed power.

Besides diminishin­g free speech, a permanent ban would further Facebook’s political entangleme­nts. Facebook started becoming an important political tool years ago when it reached out to politician­s and taught them to use Facebook for seeking and organizing voters.

In the 2020 campaign season, Facebook fully embraced its political role when it actively labeled some posts as misinforma­tion, hired fact checkers, and sought to edit the post-election public dialogue concerning the election’s legitimacy.

Facebook’s growing influence as a player, not just a platform, is evidenced by the intensity with which politician­s pressure the company to treat their side as truth and goodness — and their opponents’ side as false, corrupt and dangerous. Demonstrat­ing willingnes­s to permanentl­y deplatform a prominent politician will make control of Facebook an even more attractive political prize.

Proponents of the ban would likely counter that the nature of Donald Trump’s speech and his ability to monopolize attention make him a destructiv­e outlier. But his comments, as best I can tell, are not unusual today. His political opponents and media critics have called for physical intimidati­on of Trump supporters, expressed hatred for them, likened them to history’s worst murderers and oppressors, and mocked them as lacking intelligen­ce and morals. So it is hard objectivel­y to see him as an outlier in his substance. If he is banned while these others not, the ban would seem little more than a political act.

Supporters of a ban are right that Trump has an unusual ability to influence. But a person’s persuasive skills aren’t a reason for bans from a politicall­y valuable platform. If it were, then Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be next, as her abilities in that area are a close match for Trump’s skill.

Facebook should demonstrat­e its commitment to communitie­s that thrive in adversity, not communitie­s that shrink from it.

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Mark Jamison

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