Chattanooga Times Free Press



“It’s past time for America to discard the left-wing myth of systemic racism,” former Vice President Mike Pence said on a recent visit to New Hampshire. We should go a little further than that. Let’s discard the phrase “systemic racism” altogether.

The chief function of that phrase is to make our political disagreeme­nts, already large, seem even larger than they are. The people who insist systemic racism is real and the people who deny it exists generally have different things in mind.

For the first group, it means something like “racial inequities that persist without requiring widespread, ongoing, conscious discrimina­tion by individual­s.” The wealth gap between Black and white Americans is a case in point: It is in part a legacy of past injustice.

The second group understand­s “systemic racism” to mean more than just that the effects of racism pervade our society. They regard it as an indictment of the U.S. as a country that is rife with intentiona­l racism and racist in its essence. And they bridle at that indictment.

That’s the way Pence used the phrase. Right before that sentence, he said, “Let me say, as my friend Tim Scott said with great effect on the national stage not long ago, America is not a racist country.” He was referring to the South Carolina Republican senator’s response to the State of the Union address.

“While we are not perfect yet,” Pence added, “we ought to do justice to all the progress that has been made.”

Pence spoke similarly during last year’s vice-presidenti­al debate, denying “that America is systemical­ly racist,” while also accusing his opponent Kamala Harris of making racial disparitie­s in criminal justice worse when she was a prosecutor and California attorney general. The would-be fact-checkers at dinged Pence for the supposed contradict­ion, which dissolves upon taking account of the ambiguity of the contested phrase.

Avoiding the phrase altogether does not always dispel the confusion. Sen. Scott didn’t use it in his response to Biden’s State of the Union address. His denial the U.S. is racist nonetheles­s “ignited a fiery debate,” as the Washington Post reported. On Twitter, liberal criticism of “Uncle Tim” was a trending category until the platform took it down. USA Today ran an attempted gotcha feature detailing the country’s racial inequities.

The morning after Scott’s speech, Vice President Harris said: “No, I don’t think America is a racist country. But we also do have to speak truth about the history of racism in our country and its existence today.”

Scott hadn’t said otherwise: He had referred to enduring discrimina­tion himself and mentioned “our painful past.”

Harris received some criticism from progressiv­es who took her, and the senator, to be denying the existence of racial injustice. For the most part, though, Scott’s critics just ignored that Harris had agreed point for point, and sometimes word for word, with him.

Well-meaning Americans who have been calling for a “national conversati­on on race” for decades remain determined not to hear each other. People who mean to deny that most Americans are racist or that our institutio­ns are illegitima­te — people such as Pence and Scott — are taken to mean that everything is OK now. Those who mean to affirm the existence of large-scale racial injustice, such as Harris and President Biden, are taken instead to be slandering the country and most of its population.

We have real disagreeme­nts about race. But we are unlikely to debate such issues productive­ly if we have a distorted view of what the disagreeme­nts are. It doesn’t help when we agree with each other at the top of our lungs.

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