Chattanooga Times Free Press



President Joe Biden promised during the 2020 campaign to lower the national blood pressure and return the country to some sense of normalcy. No rage and/or middle-of-the-night tweets. Weekends without news. Decorum from the leader of the free world. Cordial relations with the media. A return to actual policymaki­ng. We so quickly adapt to the newest normal that we soon forget how thoroughly unproducti­ve (aside from tax cuts for the rich) and incompeten­t was the prior administra­tion.

But six months into the new administra­tion, the political culture and media seem not to have accepted a federal government that lacks the sort of hysteria, controvers­y and scandal that defined the previous presidency. The tendency to overwrough­t drama (The infrastruc­ture deal is in peril!) and the constant expectatio­n of doom (The deal is on track but danger ahead!) suggest not only a desperatio­n to attract eyeballs and clicks but also a cynicism that things cannot really have improved all that much. But they have.

The government got 300 million coronaviru­s shots in arms. More than 2 million jobs have returned, and growth is up — in significan­t part because of the mammoth American Rescue Plan. Biden returned from a successful overseas trip, which rather than embarrassi­ng his countrymen reassured them that a U.S. president could be respected in the world again.

Back home, Biden has secured a historic and overwhelmi­ngly popular infrastruc­ture deal which, if Republican­s balk, can sail through on a reconcilia­tion measure. The Cabinet is stocked with diverse and competent people; an exceptiona­lly diverse slate of judges has been nominated.

If you feel rattled and unsteady, you may be consuming too much social media. Your ongoing anxiety may also be the reaction to a Republican Party that has adopted hysteria, crisis manufactur­ing, lying and scare tactics as its default:

The border is in crisis! (Actually, the vast majority of unaccompan­ied minors are now processed in an orderly fashion and the administra­tion has begun to reunite children separated from their families.)

Vice President Kamala Harris’s chief of staff does not allow just any old friend to talk to her! (Really, this is a problem?)

Children are being indoctrina­ted by critical race theory to hate America! (No, but it is good we are learning more about our history.)

Do not get me wrong. Our democracy is under assault, because one party has rejected commitment to truth and democracy. It spends its time underminin­g faith in elections and suppressin­g voting as a ill-conceived strategy for reclaiming power.

Rather than a return to unbridled fear we felt under the past administra­tion as it stomped on democratic norms, coddled dictators, engaged in corruption and all but ignored a pandemic, we should reach a sobering conclusion: Defending democracy and truth is never completed.

The voters came to their senses to oust former President Donald Trump, but our democracy depends on the ongoing devotion of active citizens to reject authoritar­ian schemes. It requires that voter suppressio­n be met with extraordin­ary voter organizati­on and turnout. If democracy seems still on shaky ground, you should not be surprised. Democracy has often been and will continue to be, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, only a generation away from extinction.

It is a good time to appreciate how far we have come in six months, as well as the ongoing work it will take to keep our democracy from the clutches of anti-democratic, white supremacis­ts. Democracy has never been for the timid or the passive.

 ??  ?? Jennifer Rubin
Jennifer Rubin

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