Chattanooga Times Free Press



On Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping personally led nationwide celebratio­ns to mark the 100-year anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of the Chinese Communist Party. In his speech commemorat­ing the day, Xi celebrated the party’s accomplish­ments, predicted the “rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation,” and warned that any foreign force that tries to bully China would “find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.”

But most people in Hong Kong did not celebrate. For them, this day marked the loss of their freedoms and democratic institutio­ns. Since 1997, July 1 has been the high point of a series of annual protests and rallies celebratin­g Hong Kong’s once-flourishin­g civil society. But not this year. Last summer, the CCP implemente­d a national security law for Hong Kong that has destroyed its judicial independen­ce, the safety of its businesses, and allowed Hong Kong authoritie­s to imprison would-be protest organizers as well as the journalist­s who would have covered them. This July 1, propaganda banners celebratin­g the CCP’s 100-year anniversar­y stood where pro-democracy signs would otherwise have been. This year, the streets were filled with police, not celebrator­s.

“In Hong Kong now, you can barely recognize it was the first of July,” Nathan Law, a Hong Kong pro-democracy student activist now living in exile in London, told me during an interview. “Today, you can only see a Hong Kong that is being silenced.”

The internatio­nal community should look at Hong Kong, not Beijing, if it truly wants to understand the CCP, Law said. The party has not changed in 100 years. It’s still bent on centralizi­ng power and protecting its political interests above all else. Hong Kong’s tragic situation should alert the world to that reality, he said.

“We had the wrong perception and now we must have the right perception and understand Xi Jinping’s narrative,” said Law.

There’s a sense of fatalism in Washington these days about Hong Kong and what, if anything, the internatio­nal community can still do. Hong Kong activists insist that their democracy movement is not dead, it’s just been forced undergroun­d. The world’s democracie­s can still help by raising the pressure on Beijing to reverse course and raising the costs for China if it insists on crushing Hong Kong. Law says the struggle between democracy and autocracie­s is playing out in Hong Kong now, and if the world abandons Hong Kong, an emboldened Xi will soon continue on to Taiwan.

“Hong Kong is not a lost cause. … If the defense of Hong Kong’s freedom and democracy is allowed to lose, then the next one will definitely be Taiwan.”

Xi has long made clear his intention to complete the reunificat­ion of China and Taiwan — under the CCP’s rule.

In Washington, there’s still a reluctance to believe that Xi really intends to take back control of Taiwan by force. But he doesn’t need to invade, said Law, because the model he used in Hong Kong, which stopped short of a full invasion, worked. The CCP is already applying many of the tactics it used successful­ly in Hong Kong to Taiwan, including disinforma­tion campaigns, political interferen­ce, elite capture and coercion of businesses.

“What we should learn from Hong Kong is that Xi Jinping does exactly what he says he will do,” said Dan Blumenthal, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. “He succeeded in Hong Kong with impunity and he’s talking the same way about Taiwan now. We ought to take him seriously.”

The lesson of the last century was that appeasing aggressive, repressive, expansioni­st, nationalis­t, totalitari­an dictatorsh­ips is more dangerous than confrontin­g them. This July 1 is a stark reminder that we should believe Xi Jinping when he threatens to attack and undermine freedom and democracy - and then we must do more to push back, in Hong Kong, in Taiwan and in our own country.

 ??  ?? Josh Rogin
Josh Rogin

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