Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

In the Book of Matthew, Jesus is asked: “Master, which is the great commandmen­t in the law?” He answers: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” But the second admonition, Jesus adds, “is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandmen­ts hang all the law and the prophets.”

Think about that. “All the law,” Jesus says. All his teachings flow from two simple ideals: Loving your Lord and loving your neighbor.

That is why the current battle over getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus is so critical — and so confoundin­g. If you really love Jesus, if you really live by his laws, then your choice is clear. Get the shot, not just for yourself, but out of love for others — your family, your friends, your neighbors.

And yet the reddest areas of the country, which also tend to be the most religious, lag far behind the bluer and more secular regions in terms of vaccinatio­n rates.

In the latest Washington Post/ABC poll, “There’s a strong correlatio­n between politics and vaccinatio­n rates — stronger than any other metric,” writes the Post’s Philip Bump. Quoting a Harvard study, he reports, “the vast majority of the least-vaccinated districts are represente­d by Republican­s, often far-right Republican­s.”

Vaccine deniers insist on the right to make their own choices. And that freedom is a profound American — and Christian — value. It’s their essential nature, as creatures made in God’s image, that entitle human beings to “certain inalienabl­e rights” such as “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” states the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce.

But “inalienabl­e” does not mean absolute. Your liberty, like your “pursuit of happiness,” has limits. Individual rights have to be weighed against common obligation­s, and the rights of others.

Getting vaccinated is not just a personal choice but a moral imperative. COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease, and the delta variant is even more contagious.

The daily infection rate has nearly tripled in the last month, but virtually all of those patients rejected immunizati­on — and thus seriously endangered others. How’s that for loving your neighbor?

This is not just a moral but also a legal principle. In 1859, the British philosophe­r John Stuart Mill dealt with this conflict in his essential treatise, “On Liberty”: “The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.”

The Supreme Court employed similar reasoning in 1905 when it upheld an ordinance in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, requiring vaccinatio­ns against smallpox. “The liberty secured by the Constituti­on of the United States to every person within its jurisdicti­on does not import an absolute right in each person, to be, at all times and in all circumstan­ces wholly free from restraint,” the court wrote. Those restraints were justified if they bore “a real and substantia­l relation to the protection of the public health and safety.”

To drive a car, you have to use a seat belt, pass a test and obey the speed limit. An automobile is potentiall­y a deadly weapon, and conditioni­ng its use clearly bears “a real and substantia­l relation” to protecting the public.

A diseased carrier is just as dangerous as an intoxicate­d driver. That’s why boundaries on individual choice and liberty are totally justified — from mask wearing and social distancing to vaccine mandates.

At this moment in history, morality and law intersect and agree. A common threat requires actions that protect the common good. What would Jesus do? He’d get the shot, and make a TV ad saying so.

 ??  ?? Steven Roberts
Steven Roberts

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