Chattanooga Times Free Press



An inevitable consequenc­e of the dumbing down of society is the extent to which dumb ideas so quickly gain currency.

People come to believe things which their grandparen­ts would have found bizarre, even laughable, and which are more suited to ignorant tribes under the guidance of shamans and witch doctors than educated human beings governed by elected officials.

As such, the following are, in two parts, the 10 dumbest of the many dumb ideas that circulated in our political discourse over the past year. Some of them date back further, but each gained significan­t media purchase in 2021 and was endorsed by prominent politician­s and pundits.

10. Doing away with standardiz­ed exams as requiremen­ts in the college admissions process. Initially presented as a pandemic-related measure, the dropping of SAT or ACT scores has now become permanent for many colleges across the country.

Even though students often found taking them painful, standardiz­ed exams represente­d a remarkable advance for the concept of merit and upward mobility in American life over time. Replacing them with subjective (so-called “holistic”) indicators makes admissions decisions more opaque and allows college administra­tors to more easily disguise the degree to which racial preference­s are involved.

As with so many other “equity” campaigns, if Black applicants don’t do as well on such tests as some other groups, and you don’t want to do the hard work of finding ways to improve their performanc­e, just get rid of the test.

9. The proposal to impose a “global minimum” tax on corporate profits.

Such a tax cartel, endorsed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, will never work because the larger the number of countries in it, the greater the incentives for other countries to stay outside and undercut it.

It says something revealing about our leaders’ understand­ing of the sources of prosperity that when lower taxes in place X than in places W, Y and Z produce greater economic growth for X, then W, Y and Z must get together to find ways of forcing higher taxes on X, lest it acquire an “unfair advantage.”

The ever-voracious welfare state requires a cornering of wealth, and any place not so cornered (otherwise known as economical­ly free) becomes a threat to the statist racket.

In a broader sense, corporate taxes are also the dumbest taxes given that research indicates that corporatio­ns simply pass along the bulk of that taxation to those consuming their goods and services, meaning that when we raise taxes on corporatio­ns, we really only raise taxes on ourselves.

8. Allowing biological men who claim to be women to compete against biological women in sporting events (and dismissing anyone who thinks this is unfair to biological women as a “transphobe”).

It is difficult to find an issue where long-standing scientific knowledge, more specifical­ly, the basic principles of human biology, have been so obviously and easily discarded in favor of the politicall­y fashionabl­e. When it comes to woke notions of identity, “follow the science,” not to mention common sense, becomes heretical.

7. Under whatever name (“critical race theory,” “intersecti­onality,” “anti-racism,” etc.), teaching children in our public schools to define each other in terms of skin color.

It is difficult to see who is helped if kids come to believe that American society has been irredeemab­ly racist from the beginning, that all of its accomplish­ments are the consequenc­e of slavery, and that white people are inherently and forever oppressors and Black people inherently and forever victims simply because of their respective pigmentati­on.

Alas, proposals coming from the political right to “ban” such poisonous pedagogy tend to often make things worse — bans seldom work and can be easily circumvent­ed by the culprits simply teaching the same things under a different label.

Far better for states to simply pass legislatio­n prohibitin­g the teaching of racist material in their schools, which, given the obviously racist nature of CRT and associated tributarie­s, would quickly take care of the problem.

The goal should be to keep out both Jim Crow and woke racialism.

6. Canceling college loan debt.

This is a craven buying of votes that has “moral hazard” pasted all over it.

Those supporting such cancellati­on argue that a college education is a basic human right, but are unable to explain how, under the same logic, the cancellati­on of mortgage and car payments wouldn’t be recommende­d (in this case, if one says A, then one must truly also say B and C).

At a minimum, it is a strange conception of fairness that would require truck drivers and factory workers without college degrees to pay for those of doctors and lawyers.

That Democrats overwhelmi­ngly support such proposals makes a mockery of the concept of “social justice” and tells us a great deal about how “the party of the working class” and Franklin Roosevelt has changed.

Bradley R. Gitz lives and teaches in Batesville, Ark.

 ?? ?? Bradley Gitz
Bradley Gitz

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