Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Contact Ron Hart, a syndicated op-ed satirist, author and TV/radio commentato­r, at or Twitter @RonaldHart.

“The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” — Ronald Reagan

The defining moment of the Biden administra­tion’s disastrous presidency — so far — came in Atlanta last week. Some of his handlers (no one knows exactly who they are) wrote a very divisive speech for him. While in Georgia, Biden stared at the teleprompt­er and read it, looking like that porch-sitting banjo player from “Deliveranc­e.”

Basically, he said that if you believe someone has to show an ID to vote, then you are a racist KKK member who believes in Jim Crow and who is also, likely, a terrorist.

According to a 2021 poll, 80% of Americans support showing an ID to vote. So, Biden just called 80% of Americans racist. What an idiotic sad speech.

Democrats believe that just showing any form of ID, a CVS receipt or your death certificat­e should qualify you to vote.

Stacey Abrams, who has nowhere to be, didn’t even come to the speech. And there was a buffet afterwards, so she really wanted to avoid Biden and his 33% approval rating.

As per Peggy Noonan, a Reagan speechwrit­er and Wall Street Journal op-ed writer, “The speech itself was aggressive, intemperat­e, not only offensive but meant to offend. It seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party in America, that’s it, everyone else is an outsider who can be disparaged. It was a mistake on so many levels.”

If you disagree with the left, they call you a racist and then, looking smug and self-satisfied, they move on. No arguing facts, no debate, no hearing you out. You are just a racist.

When you give such an out-oftouch speech, you undermine your credibilit­y on other matters such as our COVID response. Biden did symbolical­ly get his COVID booster shot for the world to see. The next day, he was bewildered, unsteady and incoherent, proving to the world that there are no side effects.

The mainstream media, which work for the Democrat Party, wanted us shut down more and for longer under the bugaboo of COVID. Keep in mind that Democrats, those in the media, education, government, public sector unions, etc., are mostly getting full pay to sit at home, which is their goal.

Take Florida versus that brilliant, shining, liberal beacon-on-the-hill New York. Florida and New York have about the same population. And Florida’s population is older and thus more vulnerable. Yet Florida has done better, based on the metrics that matter: average daily cases and deaths per capita, despite lower vaccinatio­n rates.

And Joe Manchin’s state of West Virginia, which gets ridiculed by the liberal elites in the New York media, has much better COVID results, with lower vaccinatio­ns. How about that for rednecks whipping the ‘rona?

On every topic, Democrats excuse their folks and blame the other side. When Jussie Smollett was convicted of staging a hate crime against himself by paying those Nigerian brothers to beat him up, Democrats took no ownership of their overplayed “racism” in America. Instead, they will likely honor Smollett at the Oscars this year for his portrayal of a white supremacis­t, and praise him for hiring Black actors for roles that normally go to white actors.

We only have ourselves to blame for the buffoonery of Joe Biden and his leftist hangers-on. We elected a lifelong Washington insider who is tickling 80. It is a harsh reminder of what happens when you order a president by mail who was stored in the basement.

 ?? ?? Ron Hart
Ron Hart

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