Chattanooga Times Free Press

Graham becomes early player to watch in Supreme Court drama


WASHINGTON — The list of Republican­s willing to support President Joe Biden’s forthcomin­g nominee to the Supreme Court “is longer than you would initially imagine,” the Senate’s second-ranking Democrat recently teased to reporters.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin declined to name names. But it’s clear Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is near the top of the list.

Graham, who tethered himself to former President Donald Trump, is among a handful of Republican­s declaring their willingnes­s to break party lines and vote for the yet-to-be-announced White House choice to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer.

Whether Graham or any Republican ends up backing Biden’s eventual nominee in the 50-50 Senate will be a new test for the president’s long stated and rarely achieved ambitions to see Washington embrace a more bipartisan approach after the bitterness of the Trump era.

Democrats say obtaining a bipartisan vote is a top priority during the upcoming confirmati­on battle. “It will be great for the Senate. It will be great for the Supreme Court,” Durbin said after a White House meeting Thursday. “I hope we can achieve that goal.”

That effort will make Graham a senator to watch.

Whether Democrats can win Graham’s vote — and that of other Republican­s such as Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — remains to be seen. Bitterness over the way Republican­s steamrolle­d their way to a Supreme Court majority under Trump is still a dividing line.

Graham has at times signaling a willingnes­s to partner initially with Democrats, only to retreat to a partisan corner.

Graham led efforts in the Senate to defend Brett Kavanaugh, a Trump nominee for the high court, from accusation­s of sexual assault, and it was Graham who brazenly abandoned a promise to refrain from confirming a justice in a presidenti­al election year. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he helped to seat Amy Coney Barrett on the court just days before Biden’s election win in November 2020. But Graham also has a history of working with Democrats and has long said lawmakers should show deference to a president’s picks. He was the only Republican on the committee to vote for two of President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominees. Graham also has voted against only a handful of Biden’s judicial nominees while supporting about 30.

“I’m playing the game different than everybody else,” Graham told The Associated Press in explaining his votes.

While some in the GOP have mocked Biden’s promise to nominate a Black woman, a historic first, Graham was quick to defend it. “Put me in the camp of making sure the court and other institutio­ns look like America,” he said.

But there’s a catch. Graham wants the choice to be a fellow South Carolinian, U.S. District Judge Michelle Childs, and has said his vote will be “much more problemati­c” if it isn’t her. He calls Childs someone “I can see myself supporting — if she does well here” and argues that she could win the most GOP support.

“She has a hell of a story, and she would be somebody I think that could bring the Senate together and probably get more than 60 votes,” Graham said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

The White House says Childs, who had been nominated for a federal appeals court at the time Breyer made his retirement announceme­nt, is under considerat­ion even as some liberal advocacy groups and labor unions question her record.

While Durbin has not endorsed a specific candidate, he said he appreciate­s Graham’s strategy. “Starting off with one or two Republican votes is a good start for any nominee,” he said, adding that “Lindsey is and will always be an independen­t.”

Part of Graham’s pitch on Childs is that — unlike all the current Supreme Court justices other than Barrett — she didn’t go to an Ivy League school. Matt Moore, a GOP strategist who served as a consultant for Graham in his 2020 campaign, said promoting Childs also appeals to voters back home.

“There’s a certain amount of state pride seeing someone from South Carolina considered for the Supreme Court,” Moore said.

While Graham has supported many Democratic judicial nominees, he also has hewed to the party line in two critical moments — the first in blocking now-Attorney General Merrick Garland from even getting a hearing when he was nominated for the Supreme Court during the final year of Barack Obama’s presidency. Then, four years later, he did an about-face as chairman of the Judiciary Committee and shepherded Barrett’s nomination through just days before the presidenti­al election.

Those stands helped secure a 6-3 conservati­ve majority on the high court.

 ?? ?? Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham

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