Chattanooga Times Free Press



Who are the real conservati­ves in the Republican Party? Certainly not Donald Trump and his tribe of true believers.

Here are three, starting with former Vice President Mike Pence. He stands strongly for the Constituti­on and against Trump’s despicable campaign to undermine the last election.

Add Republican Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who embrace the rule of law and joined a congressio­nal committee investigat­ing the invasion of the Capitol. Their refusal to abandon their conservati­ve principles has earned them a formal condemnati­on by the Republican National Committee.

The Encycloped­ia Britannica defines conservati­sm as the “political doctrine that emphasizes the value of traditiona­l institutio­ns and practices.” It adds, “Conservati­ves thus favor institutio­ns and practices that have evolved gradually and are manifestat­ions of continuity and stability.” Under this doctrine, “politician­s must therefore resist the temptation to transform society and politics.”

That is precisely what Pence, Cheney and Kinzinger believe, valuing “traditiona­l institutio­ns and practices.” And that is what Trump and his followers cannot abide. They are not conservati­ves at all, but instigator­s and insurrecti­onists.

Founded on conservati­ve principles in 1854, the Republican Party has evolved into one dominated by the insults and interests of Donald Trump. As The Wall Street Journal editorial page, long a bastion of Republican orthodoxy, wrote: “Too many in the GOP seem to have lost their constituti­onal moorings in thrall to one man.”

Pence’s role on Jan. 6, to count the votes in the Electoral College, was clearly ceremonial. But Trump insisted then — and still does today — that Pence somehow had the right to “overturn” those results.

Pence has rejected Trump’s fantasies before, but in a recent speech to the Federalist Society, his excoriatio­n of his former boss was particular­ly devastatin­g: “President Trump is wrong. The presidency belongs to the American people, and the American people alone. And frankly there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

It’s a black mark on today’s GOP that such an anodyne and obvious comment requires such courage, but it does. And it’s truly appalling that so few Republican voices were willing to join what the Journal called “Mr. Pence’s finest hour.”

One who did join was another outlet that values “traditiona­l institutio­ns and practices”: the National Review, which condemned the RNC’s censuring of Cheney and Kinzinger in an editorial headlined, “RNC Should Take a Lesson From Mike Pence.”

This remains a center-right country. In 2020 exit polls, only 24% identified as liberals, while 38% called themselves conservati­ves and the same number chose a “moderate” label. But there are signs that the GOP’s slavish attachment to Trump, while attracting many MAGA diehard loyalists, could backfire with the broader electorate.

Trump has never appealed to a majority of Americans, and his average approval rating today stands at 42.7% — more than 4 points below the total he received in losing to Joe Biden. More seriously for Trump, a recent Quinnipiac poll found that 58% of American voters do not want him to run again, while only 35% favor a third run for the White House.

Politics is always about addition, not subtractio­n, which is why rational Republican­s who can actually count think Trump’s purge of heretics amounts to “political malpractic­e of the highest order,” as the National Review put it.

The stories of Pence, Cheney and Kinzinger pose this question: Will the Republican Party return to its honorable and invaluable devotion to conservati­ve principles? Or will it continue to be dominated by the ruthless and relentless radicalism of Donald Trump and will that cost them the next election?

 ?? ?? Steven Roberts
Steven Roberts

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