Chattanooga Times Free Press

Iran’s president vows to continue nuclear activities


TEHRAN, Iran — President Ebrahim Raisi said Saturday that Iran will continue nuclear developmen­t activities as talks to revive Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers remain stalled, state media reported.

Speaking in a ceremony marking Iran’s national day of nuclear technology, the hard-line president said his administra­tion will support an accelerati­on in research of peaceful nuclear technology.

“Our knowledge and technology in the nuclear field is not reversible. Iran’s [continuati­on of] research in peaceful nuclear fields will not depend on others’ demands or viewpoints,” said Raisi, who came to power in August.

Raisi’s comments came as talks between Iran and world powers in Vienna to revive the 2015 nuclear deal have stalled. There is concern that Iran could be closer to being able to construct an atomic weapon if it chose to pursue one.

The nuclear deal collapsed four years ago when former President Donald Trump withdrew the United States and imposed crushing sanctions on Iran. In the meantime, Iran has vastly expanded its nuclear work.

Iran has long insisted that its nuclear program has had peaceful purposes like generating electric power and medical isotopes.

During Saturday’s ceremony, Iran displayed its new civil nuclear achievemen­ts, including several medical isotopes, agricultur­al pesticides, detoxifica­tion equipment and nuclear fuel material. The report did not elaborate.

The head of Iran’s civilian Atomic Energy Organizati­on, Mohammad Eslami, said Iran will soon pursue constructi­on of a new nuclear power plant with 360-megawatt capacity. It is to be located near the town of Darkhovin in oil-rich Khuzestan province in the country’s southwest.

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