Chattanooga Times Free Press



The Democratic Party is behaving recklessly and unpatrioti­cally. So far, Democrats have spent tens of millions to help Trumpist candidates in Republican primaries.

In Illinois alone, the Democratic Governors Associatio­n and Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker spent at least $30 million to attack a Trumpist’s moderate gubernator­ial opponent. A political action committee affiliated with Nancy Pelosi worked to boost far-right Republican House candidates in California and Colorado.

They are doing it because they think far-right candidates will be easier to beat in the general elections than more moderate candidates.

What the Democrats are doing is sleazy in the best of circumstan­ces. If you love your country more than your party, you should want the best candidates to advance in either party. And in these circumstan­ces, what they are doing is insane: The candidates whom Democrats are supporting could wind up winning.

Many Democrats hope that the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision will mobilize their voters for the coming midterms, but I’m convinced this election will primarily be about the economy and the existentia­l state of the country. Things look extremely grim for the ruling party.

A staggering 83% of Americans believe the economy is poor or not so good, according to a May Wall Street Journal-NORC poll. And an equally staggering 83% of Americans are dissatisfi­ed with the way things are going in the country, according to a Gallup poll.

Parties get punished when they make mistakes. Recently, Democrats have made the kind of mistakes that make voters furious.

Liberal economists underestim­ated the inflation threat, and Democratic fiscal policy, ignoring that threat, seems to have escalated it. The Democratic Party as a whole became associated with progressiv­es who saw policing simply through a racial injustice lens. They ignored the public safety lens and were unprepared for the widespread public anger over the increase in crime.

Similarly, many progressiv­es argued that cancel culture wasn’t a thing or was being severely exaggerate­d. Americans who are afraid to think out loud think the left has become too censorious. Progressiv­es have also largely failed to address the shortcomin­gs of their governing model. The rampant inequality, homelessne­ss and other social ills plaguing San Francisco and other cities are there for all to see.

And then there is the underlying problem, which is that while Democrats support many popular policies, progressiv­es are associated with a series of social and cultural values that are unpopular with most Americans. According to a new More in Common survey, 69% of Americans believe that America is a country where if you get a good education, develop your talents and are open to innovation, you can do anything. Only 36% of progressiv­e activists agree with this.

That’s just a basic difference in how people see the country, and time and time again Democratic politician­s have been punished for the messages that come out of progressiv­e educationa­l and cultural institutio­ns.

The Republican Party has grown pretty extreme over the past few years. But it’s important to remember Americans believe that the Democratic Party has grown extreme, too. According to a CNN survey, 46% of Americans believe the GOP is “too extreme” and 48% believe the Democratic Party is “too extreme.”

And this is all going to get catastroph­ically worse for Democrats if the economy further deteriorat­es and if a recession comes.

In 2020, Biden was the candidate who didn’t seem to be pinioned to the coastal elites. But Democrats are still being battered because of that associatio­n. And what are they doing to fix the problem? Spending money to support Trumpists.

 ?? ?? David Brooks
David Brooks

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