Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Robin Abcarian

It is unbelievab­ly depressing to contemplat­e the sheer amount of buffoonery that will be unleashed on the country if Republican­s take back the House in November.

Already, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, whose lust for the speakershi­p has shredded any decency or integrity he might once have possessed, has given us a road map for the bad trip he intends to take us on.

If you thought the Republican-led Benghazi hearings were nakedly political and pointless, just wait for the — ta da! — school board hearings.

McCarthy has promised to investigat­e Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Justice Department over false claims that Garland threatened to investigat­e parents who attend school board meetings to express their displeasur­e over policies such as mandatory masking, policies about trans children or critical race theory.

During the last school year, in fact, many of those school board meetings did become overheated.

In September, the National School Boards Associatio­n, perhaps a little overheated itself, asked President Joe Biden for help.

Garland announced the department would convene meetings with federal and local law enforcemen­t to discuss strategies for addressing violent threats and criminal conduct against school personnel, not expression­s of free speech.

“Spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constituti­on,” Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee last fall. “That includes debate by parents criticizin­g school boards. That is welcome. … The only thing we’re concerned about … is violence and threats of violence against school officials, school teachers, school staff, just like we’re concerned about those kinds of threats against senators, members of Congress, election officials.”

Never one to let the truth stand in the way of a good wedge issue, McCarthy went full Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister who said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.

“Why did he go after parents, and call them terrorists, simply because they wanted to go to a school board meeting?” McCarthy demanded in April on Sean Hannity’s show.

Garland never called parents who attend school board meetings “terrorists.”

McCarthy has proven he can’t keep his mouth shut when he should and cannot properly strategize when he needs to.

In 2015, he fumbled away his chance at becoming speaker when he accidental­ly let slip — on Fox News, of course — that the Benghazi hearings were an attemp to dirty up former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in advance of her quest for the 2016 Democratic presidenti­al nomination.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” he told Hannity. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee. A select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.”

McCarthy also blew it when he refused to consider appointing a 9/11style bipartisan commission to investigat­e the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on. Each party would have selected five members. That left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi no choice but to convene a House select committee. When she refused to seat two McCarthy picks — the obstrepero­us Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana, who voted to overturn the 2020 election results — he decided to boycott the committee altogether.

Even Trump admitted that McCarthy had made a terrible mistake.

“It was a bad decision not to have representa­tion on this committee,” he told the ultra-right talk-show host Wayne Allyn Root last month. “That was a very, very foolish decision.”

If Republican­s win the House in November, we’ll be subject to the New McCarthyis­m. Not as dangerous as the 1950s original, perhaps, but just as odious.

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