Chattanooga Times Free Press

One county posted misleading informatio­n concerning Tennessee anti-slavery referendum

Cannon County had the highest percentage of ‘no’ votes on Amendment 3 in state

- BY ANITA WADHWANI Read more at TennesseeL­

Throughout months of campaign work, Kathy Chambers had never seen a single message pop up through the “contact us” page on the website for the Yes on 3 campaign — the bipartisan effort to urge voters to approve a constituti­onal amendment prohibitin­g slavery in Tennessee forever.

But at 8:31 a.m. on Election Day, Chambers — the campaign manager — got an urgent message from Cannon County, about 90 miles northwest of Hamilton County.

“I am a resident of Cannon County. There is incorrect informatio­n posted inside the ballot box,” the message said. “Is there a way to report this and get it taken down or changed in the ballot boxes in Cannon Tennessee.”

The voter included a screenshot of a sign posted inside the voting booth, directly above the machine and clearly visible to anyone who entered to cast their ballot. It included a curious summary of Amendment 3 — a “3rd grade run-down,” the printed sign said.

“Slavery is illegal,” the summary said. “Would you like to reword that prohibitio­n in the state constituti­on?”

A plain reading of the message said that a vote for Amendment 3 would be a vote to make slavery legal again, when the opposite is true: Amendment 3, which passed by an 80% to 20% margin statewide, will instead add these words to the Tennessee Constituti­on: “Slave and involuntar­y servitude are forever prohibited.”

Tennessee was one of four states this year in which voters in large margins voted to eject lingering language in state constituti­ons allowing for slavery and involuntar­y servitude as punishment­s for crimes. Like Tennessee, voters in Alabama, Oregon and Vermont voted in favor of anti-slavery measures by large margins.

Cannon County’s results, however, were markedly different. The amendment passed by a 66% to 34% margin — the highest percentage of “no” votes of any of the state’s 95 counties.

“We were very intrigued looking at those results,” Chambers said. “It made us question whether the people of Cannon County thought they were voting one way but ended up voting the opposite.”

After talking to the Cannon County voter who contacted her on Election Day, Chambers immediatel­y contacted a campaign attorney. The Secretary of State’s Office was alerted by about 9 a.m. and immediatel­y ordered Cannon County election officials to take down the signs, a spokespers­on said.

An apologetic Cannon County election administra­tor told the Lookout he had made a mistake.

Matt Teply, the election administra­tor, said it was an effort to aid election workers bombarded with questions about the amendments during early voting.

Yet a post on the Cannon County Election Commission’s Facebook page containing the same “3rd grade run-down” was posted Oct. 18 — the day before early voting began — according to Chambers, who said she saw the post there on Election Day. That post has since been removed, but an identical post, dated Nov. 7, still remains on the commission’s Facebook page.

The posts appear to violate state law, which requires the Tennessee attorney general to provide summaries of all proposed constituti­onal amendments.

“These summaries appear on each ballot, as well as the sample ballots published and posted by the county election commission,” said Julia Bruck, the spokeswoma­n for the Tennessee secretary of state. “State law does not provide for any other summaries.

“Why Cannon County drafted something beyond what the attorney general provided is a question for Cannon County,” she said. “When distributi­ng these summaries, our office instructed county election officials to remind their poll officials that the ballot speaks for itself.”

Bruck said her office had received no other complaints.

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