Chattanooga Times Free Press

Sugar intake may trigger RA flare


DEAR DOCTORS: I stopped eating sugar while losing weight. When holiday sweets started showing up, I indulged. Hip pain from rheumatoid arthritis, which stopped while I was dieting, came back again. Did the sugar do this?


Studies have identified added sugars in the diet as a contributi­ng factor to a range of adverse conditions. These include Type 2 diabetes, increased body fat percentage, obesity, cardiovasc­ular disease and metabolic syndrome.

As researcher­s have widened their focus, a number of studies have drawn a connection between added sugar in the diet and an increased risk of developing chronic low-grade inflammati­on. Although inflammati­on is often understood to be a bad thing, the key word is “chronic.”

Low-grade inflammati­on is actually a tool the immune system uses to fend off potential threats. When things are working properly, immune cells known as inflammato­ry macrophage­s get alerted to a problem. They arrive at the site, perform needed maintenanc­e and recede. The departure of the macrophage­s ends that episode of inflammati­on. But sometimes the immune system malfunctio­ns. The macrophage­s don’t retreat, which means that the low-grade inflammati­on persists. This leads to gradual and ongoing damage to tissue.

Chronic low-grade inflammati­on plays a role in a wide range of autoimmune diseases. This includes rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, the condition your mention in your letter. RA is a chronic inflammato­ry disorder that can affect joints and internal organs. Unlike osteoarthr­itis, in which physical wear and tear erodes the tissues of the joints, the damage in RA occurs due to chronic low-grade inflammati­on. It’s a mistaken response by the immune system, which has begun to attack the body’s own tissues.

The link between excessive sugar intake and inflammati­on is straightfo­rward. It involves cytokines, which are proteins that modulate inflammati­on. There are proinflamm­atory cytokines, which trigger an immune response, and antiinflam­matory cytokines, which ease the attack. Research shows that when the diet gets loaded up with added sugars, pro-inflammato­ry cytokines are released. They act as messengers, summoning and urging on the immune cells needed to deflect an invader. The result is inflammati­on and physical symptoms such as pain, swelling, stiffness and a sensation of heat that are part of RA.

Based on the sequence of events you described, it’s possible the sudden and significan­t increase in sugar may have played a role in the RA flare. When you have RA, your levels of pro-inflammato­ry cytokines are high. You went from removing a potential source of inflammati­on during the months you cut sugar from your diet to suddenly adding it in high amounts.

With the holidays over, it would be wise to return to an anti-inflammato­ry diet. You don’t have to cut out sugar completely, but do prioritize your intake, and choose wisely.

 ?? Dr.
Eve Glazier ?? Dr. Elizabeth Ko
Dr. Eve Glazier Dr. Elizabeth Ko

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