Chattanooga Times Free Press

Effective compassion vs. effective altruism

- BY JOHN STONESTREE­T AND MARIA BAER From BreakPoint, Jan. 24, 2023; reprinted by permission of the Colson Center,

In early January, cryptocurr­ency entreprene­ur Sam BankmanFri­ed pleaded not guilty to fraud after the shocking collapse of his multibilli­on-dollar crypto exchange company FTX. It’s a complicate­d case, but the central allegation is that Bankman-Fried used money from one of his businesses to pay the debts of a different one, defrauding investors and customers. The fallout has been incredible. Some estimates place what he owes investors at up to $8 billion.

As he tells the story, 30-yearold Sam Bankman-Fried never set out to be a billionair­e business tycoon. While in college at MIT, he was approached by William MacAskill, a well-known philosophe­r, professor and author, who encouraged Bankman-Fried to join a movement of philosophe­rs and philanthro­pists called effective altruism.

Most effective altruists deny the existence of both a Creator and that the universe has any ultimate purpose, although there are some who claim to be Christians. Most believe that human beings are here by chance, but as long as we are here, we have a moral duty to alleviate the suffering of the most people possible. Mostly, this is meant in a mathematic­al sense.

Allegedly, MacAskill convinced the promising young techie that he had a responsibi­lity to make as much money as possible and give a lot of it away. After all, not everyone can become a billionair­e investor, and even fewer would become charitable billionair­e investors. Sam Bankman-Fried believed he could and decided he would, often talking about causes as diverse as supplying mosquito nets for malaria-vulnerable areas to protecting the world from killer robots.

This focus on consequenc­es, rooted in an ethical theory known as utilitaria­nism, is a first concern with effective altruism. In this view, a good end justifies any means. Effective altruism tends to measure “good ends” in terms of the number of deaths prevented. Of course, protecting vulnerable life is also a biblical value, rooted in a belief that every human being has inherent dignity and eternal value. However, in a biblical view, a life is not only measured by its length. How we live matters as well.

Ethical utilitaria­n Peter Singer, also a self-described “effective altruist,” has a favorite thought experiment. If you see a small child drowning in a pond, should you always jump in to help? What if you were wearing a new pair of expensive shoes that might be ruined in the mud? The correct response, of course, is that a child should always be prioritize­d over shoes. Based on this hypothetic­al, Singer preaches that it’s therefore wrong to ever buy nice shoes because that money could be used to prolong life somewhere.

This kind of moral reasoning often leads to prioritizi­ng human life en masse over human lives in particular. Certainly, we ought to work to prevent as many deaths as we can. Preventing and treating malaria, for example, is to address the No. 1 killer of human beings in the history of the world. However, it’s essential to remember that human life has infinite value because every human life has infinite value. Thus, the effectiven­ess of our compassion cannot be adequately measured only in totals.

Measuring the effectiven­ess of effective altruism requires an omniscienc­e that human beings simply do not have. In Singer’s thought experiment, we are able to see the boy in the pond. However, we’re not able to see whether or not employment, economic mobility and community developmen­t would have led to a fence around the pond, better schooling opportunit­ies or some other positive developmen­ts that could prevent future drownings or perhaps even this one. In this view, anything less than knowing everything makes living a moral life impossible. The result is kind of like a parent telling a stubborn child to eat his or her dinner because a different child is starving on the other side of the world, as if the two scenarios are related.

A Christian moral vision does not reduce humanity or humans to a math equation. As ethicist and theologian Oliver O’Donovan has put it, “to love everybody in the world equally is to love nobody very much.” Rather, as Paul instructed the church at Corinth, real good is brought to the world when we each “lead the life that the Lord has assigned. …” In this view, an expensive alabaster jar of perfume poured on the head of Jesus, rather than being sold to help the poor, is not wasted. A widow’s mite can have infinite value, while a multimilli­on-dollar collaborat­ion of government charities that prop up dictators, corruption and horrific evils could bring more harm than good.

This call, to steward the gifts God gives us for his ends and in his way, motivates the Hope Awards, given each year by our friends at World News Group to nonprofit organizati­ons that not only have worthy goals but also successful­ly employ moral methods. World calls this “effective compassion.” The kind of wisdom we need to help without hurting God gives generously and does not require omniscienc­e, at least not from us.

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