Chattanooga Times Free Press



Republican­s’ extreme antiaborti­on stance cost them dearly in the midterms, especially among women, young people and collegeedu­cated voters. But rather than adjust course, they are doubling down. Like the American tourist who thinks if he yells loud enough, non-English speakers will finally understand him, they have decided to be more aggressive in trying to block abortion access.

House Republican­s have already passed two antiaborti­on measures (which have no chance of passing the Senate). They have also filed other bills seeking to limit access to abortion. Likewise, Senate Republican­s are pushing an array of antiaborti­on measures, including restrictio­ns on interstate travel for the procedure and bans on federal funding for colleges that supply abortion medication.

Meanwhile, a forced-birth group in Texas is suing to reverse the Food and Drug Administra­tion’s decadesold authorizat­ion of mifepristo­ne, which is one of two drugs used for medical abortions (and is also critical for the treatment of miscarriag­es). Twenty-two red states have filed amicus briefs expressing support for the effort to deprive women of safe, effective medication.

At the state level, Republican­s have introduced a trove of antiaborti­on legislatio­n. Then there are the potential GOP presidenti­al candidates who keep pushing for national abortion bans. Former Vice President Mike Pence, for example, declared last year that “we must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in the land.”

If anything, then, Republican­s’ onslaught against women’s autonomy over their bodies has accelerate­d after the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organizati­on. And public opinion polls suggest they will regret it.

A recent Gallup survey shows that Americans are increasing­ly frustrated with U.S. abortion policy. “The record-high 69% of U.S. adults dissatisfi­ed with abortion laws includes 46% who prefer that these laws be made less strict, marking a 16-percentage-point jump in this sentiment since January 2022,” the poll reports. “In addition, 15% of Americans are dissatisfi­ed and favor stricter laws, and 8% are dissatisfi­ed but want them to stay the same.”

Likewise, an NPR-Ipsos poll in January found that 3 out of 5 Americans want abortion legal in all or most cases. The overwhelmi­ng sentiment is that government should “butt out,” as one respondent told the pollsters. NPR reports: “Fifty-eight percent of respondent­s say they think lawmakers are making abortion policy based on what donors and their base want, not what the majority of the public wants. …

“An even larger number, 62% of respondent­s, say the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was based ‘more on politics than the law.’ Sixty percent of respondent­s say that they thought the Roe decision was correctly decided in 1973.”

Of course, abortion is not Republican­s’ only political liability. The general aura of craziness within the party’s MAGA wing also played a role in their election defeats. Yet Republican­s are doubling down on this as well, holding nonsensica­l hearings about made-up scandals and the “weaponizat­ion” of the federal government. Polls have consistent­ly showed that voters are opposed to spending time on this. And no surprise, the hearings were widely regarded as duds.

Did Republican­s pay any attention to the messages that voters sent them last November? It certainly doesn’t seem so. But Democrats sure did. Expect them to remind voters in 2024 about Republican­s’ utter disdain for their constituen­ts’ views.

 ?? ?? Jennifer Rubin
Jennifer Rubin

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