Chattanooga Times Free Press

Not all appendicit­is treated with surgery


DEAR DOCTORS: One of my roommates had appendicit­is. The doctors did something they called nonoperati­ve management. What is that?

DEAR READER: Let’s start with the appendix. It’s a small, thin pouch that extends from the juncture where the small and large intestines meet. In adults, it ranges from 2 to 4 inches long.

The appendix has long been categorize­d as a vestigial organ with no known function. However, newer research suggests it may play an important role in safeguardi­ng population­s of good bacteria during periods of intestinal illness.

When someone has appendicit­is, it means that their appendix has become inflamed. Symptoms often begin with abdominal pain. The classic presentati­on is pain in the center of the abdomen which, as it worsens, migrates to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. This may be accompanie­d by loss of appetite, nausea, fever and something known as rebound tenderness — pain that occurs when pressure that has been applied to the abdomen is suddenly released. Coughing, walking or raising the right leg may also trigger pain during appendicit­is.

Because of the variable position of each person’s appendix, and the general nature of the symptoms, an accurate diagnosis of appendicit­is can be challengin­g. Statistics show that one-fifth of cases are misdiagnos­ed. However, if an infected appendix ruptures, it will spill its toxic contents into the abdominal cavity. This is extremely dangerous. A burst appendix can lead to widespread, and often life-threatenin­g, infection. But surgery also carries risk.

For that reason, and under certain circumstan­ces, a medical team will opt for what is known as nonoperati­ve management of appendicit­is. This is an approach that does not include the removal of the appendix. It is used only in cases where scans and tests show that the appendix is not perforated, does not contain an abscess and is not at risk of rupture.

Instead of surgery, patients are treated with antibiotic­s to manage infection. This typically begins with several days of intravenou­s antibiotic­s, followed by up to a week or more of oral antibiotic­s. Some studies have found that managing the symptoms of inflammati­on without the use of antibiotic­s can be equally effective for certain patients.

While avoiding surgery is a plus, patients are left with a degree of uncertaint­y. The data show that some people with appendicit­is who have nonoperati­ve treatment go on to develop new symptoms. And the chance of a recurrence increases with time. A study that followed 257 of these patients found that, at the one-year mark, the incidence of recurrence was slightly more than 27%. By year five, it had risen to 40%. The return of symptoms meant additional emergency room visits, repeat hospitaliz­ation and, possibly, surgery. Your roommate’s doctors will have advised him of this and given him instructio­ns.

 ?? ?? Dr. Elizabeth Ko
Eve Glazier
Dr. Elizabeth Ko Dr. Eve Glazier

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