Chattanooga Times Free Press

Sunday Puzzler



1 Coffeeand-chocolate drink 6 Carpet style 10 Jewels 14 Kind of campus house, for short 18 — borealis 20 Caterwaul 21 Estrada or Satie 22 Ghastly 24 Pilfered 25 Sailors’ saint 26 Dog in “Peter Pan” 27 Yolk hue 29 Mail 30 Kitchen VIP 32 Small 34 Type style (Abbr.) 36 — von Bismarck 37 Before 38 Come — may 39 Phobias 41 Sword 43 Witness 44 Linear measure 45 Causing shock 47 Lawman Wyatt — 49 Wanness 52 Had on 53 Farm structure 55 Hackney coach 59 Distant, emotionall­y 60 Japanese emperor 62 The Beehive State 64 Bobbin 65 Libertine 66 Caught with a lasso 67 Rendezvous­ed 69 Clear 71 Both (Prefix) 72 Spread to dry 73 Fruity drink 74 Levy 75 Sing a certain way 77 Glove size (Abbr.) 78 Contour 80 Thirsty 82 Very serious 84 Tire in a trunk 85 Old pronoun 87 Simple 88 Enamel 89 Ancient Greek spirit 90 Restitutio­n 92 Washed out 93 Wing 94 Crowbar 96 — Enterprise 97 Immigrants’ island 99 Play part 102 Victory goddess 104 Dike 105 Retired jetliner 106 Direct 107 “— Ben Adhem” 108 Foeman 110 Kind of hall 112 Engraved 114 Throb 115 Sunday talk 117 Quantity of paper 119 “Exodus” author 120 Doctrines 121 Exchange premium 123 Extreme 125 Unruly child 126 Rend 129 Taj Mahal location 131 Bar legally 132 City dirt 133 Had some food 136 Dry 138 Lend a hand 140 Seaman 141 On the summit of 142 “— Free” 143 Old court dance 145 Big book 147 Villain in Shakespear­e 149 Turkish inn 151 Tough alloy 152 The States (Abbr.) 153 Greek conflict 154 Reagan’s predecesso­r 155 Associate 156 Depend 157 Theater section 158 “— porridge hot ...”


1 En — 2 External 3 Hag 4 Hang on to 5 Have being 6 Sugary 7 Game period 8 Point a weapon 9 Cast an angry glance 10 Nontradema­rked drug 11 Time 12 Small thing 13 Shoe with wheels 14 Blank page in a book 15 Regret 16 Singer — Guthrie 17 Leans 19 Fix firmly 23 Be too fond 28 Misery 31 Bowler 33 Mug handle 35 Simian creature 38 Warp and — 39 Electrical unit 40 Proboscis 42 Discord personifie­d 44 Ice mass at sea 45 Playing card 46 Acquired 48 Daddy 49 Go separate ways 50 Succulent plant 51 Audio system part 52 Erase 54 Lampoon 56 Deserving praise 57 Reed or Redford 58 Drop a syllable 60 Fashion 61 — Khayyam 63 Concealed 66 Became more mellow 68 More than required 70 Hopelessne­ss 73 Holiday song 74 Zodiac sign 75 “To be sure!” 76 Directs 79 Showy actor 80 Seed vessel 81 Owns 83 Eau-de- — 84 Containing salt 85 Shake 86 That girl 89 Scandinavi­ans 91 Punta del — 92 Ran away from 95 Cistern 97 Set of principles 98 Dregs 100 Expense 101 Calendar abbr. 103 Stone or Watson 105 Entrap 106 Money substitute 107 Family member 109 Exercise discipline 111 Marry 113 Instructiv­e book 114 — moss 116 Every evening 118 Control 120 — of Capricorn 122 Mineral 124 Depot (Abbr.) 125 Disapprovi­ng cry 126 Farm animal 127 Eye part 128 Ship of 1492 130 Communion table 132 Pebble 133 Big blood vessel 134 Kilmer poem 135 — nous 137 Affaire d’honneur 139 Fleshy fruit 141 Eager 142 Naked 144 Long fish 146 Brooks or Gibson 148 In the past 150 Chart

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