Chattanooga Times Free Press

Dating As Ted Lasso says, all people are different people

- Erika Ettin is the founder of ALittleNud­, where she helps others navigate the often intimidati­ng world of online dating.

In anticipati­on of Season 3 of “Ted Lasso” (which has not disappoint­ed as of yet!), I decided to rewatch the first two seasons. And while the show is an obvious comedy, there are some nuggets of wisdom in there that I certainly couldn’t have written as well as the writers did, even if I tried. One such nugget: “All people are different people.” You’re probably thinking, “Yeah, obviously,” but in context, it was just the right thing to say. Ted (played by Jason Sudeikis) is lamenting to Coach Beard (Brendan Hunt) about his distrust of the new team psychologi­st, Dr. Sharon Fieldstone (Sarah Niles), because of his own subpar experience with his former marriage counselor (no spoilers, but he had good reason to dislike the marriage counselor). The rest of the conversati­on:

Coach Beard: “Do you remember what you said when I got dumped by that cruise ship dancer and swore I would never date another dancer again?”

Ted: “Can I have your tap shoes?”

Coach Beard: “All people are different people.”

Ted: “I said that? That’s pretty good.”

Coach Beard: “Yeah.”

Ted: “You went out with another dancer, though?”

Coach Beard: “Many. Too many.”

When it comes to dating, people are often so inclined to lump everyone with a certain, often arbitrary attribute into the same bucket. It usually sounds something like this:

“I went out with a younger guy who was so immature. I’ll never date younger men again.”

“I got stood up. Dating in Seattle is the worst.”

“My last date wasn’t born in the U.S., and he snapped — literally snapped his fingers — at our server, so I’m not going out with anyone foreign anymore.”

“They spoke so poorly about their ex that I’ll never go out with someone who’s been divorced again.”

These are all real things clients have said to me. But we all know immaturity transcends age, rude people come from every city and country on the planet, and some people just don’t know when to bite their tongue.

If you find yourself having this generaliza­tion mindset when dating, try to turn the tables a bit and think about yourself. What are a few — say, five — basic characteri­stics that describe you? For me … I’m originally from New Jersey. I’m Jewish. I’m an entreprene­ur. I used to work in finance. I don’t have children.

Let’s say someone had a date with an entreprene­ur, and that person, unfortunat­ely, used the term to indicate unemployme­nt. Or let’s say someone had a date with a woman from New Jersey who ordered everything on the menu and then only took one bite of each dish. (This one I made up!)

Neither thing — using the word “entreprene­urship” as a decoy, or being an indulgent food waster — describes me at all. But if someone made a generaliza­tion about “all entreprene­urs” or “all women from New Jersey,” they would have excluded me from their life for no good reason.

Preference­s in dating are A-OK, but if you find yourself taking one “thing” about a person and extrapolat­ing that onto strangers, then it’s time to pull a Ted Lasso and remind yourself that all people are different people — as are you.

 ?? ?? Erika Ettin
Erika Ettin

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