Chattanooga Times Free Press



Today we discuss crime, punishment and stain removal.

You seem to write an awful lot about Donald Trump.


You don’t like our former president? I think he’s a human stain that soils everything he touches.

But liking or disliking Trump has nothing whatever to do with the imperative of highlighti­ng the clear and present danger the unhinged ex-president continues to pose to our country and our system of democracy. He thrives on attention: He famously said bad publicity is sometimes better than none at all. So it’s tempting to deny Trump his drug of choice and the means he uses to perpetuate his never-ending cash grab.

But turning away doesn’t mean Trump would go away.

Besides which, at the moment he’s the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidenti­al nomination. That’s why it’s important to keep spotlighti­ng Trump’s continued recklessne­ss and mendacity.

And you’d have to agree that, by any estimation, the first-ever indictment of a former president is noteworthy.

How strong is the case against Trump? Whatever a judge and, maybe eventually, a jury decide in the New York case, it’s worth noting the allegation­s are about more than extramarit­al sex or shoddy record-keeping.

How so?

At bottom, Trump’s actions were an attempt to defraud voters so he could win the 2016 election.

How’s that?

Consider the circumstan­ces surroundin­g the hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels, star of the naked screen. Events unfolded during the final weeks of the closely fought presidenti­al contest. Trump’s campaign was in a tailspin after release of a tape in which he boasts about sexually mauling women.

Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, were distancing themselves, or abandoning the GOP nominee altogether. There was a real question whether Trump would remain on the ticket. His vice presidenti­al running mate, Mike Pence, reportedly offered himself up to the Republican National Committee as a replacemen­t.

The revelation of an alleged fling with Daniels might have been the end of Trump’s candidacy. So he schemed to keep it hidden at least until after the election because, he allegedly told his attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, “at that point it would not matter if the story became public.”

In fact, prosecutor­s say, Trump — who is notorious for stiffing creditors — urged Cohen to delay the hush money payment as long as possible, so he could wriggle out of the deal and keep his checkbook padlocked once the political, um, storm had passed. Even in deceit Trump was a cheat. The country needs a strong, vital Republican Party, as opposed to a cult in thrall to a corrupt and destructiv­e personalit­y like Trump. We need a party where policy and principles are central, not stoking anger and playing off resentment­s for the sake of raking in contributi­ons and “owning the libs.” That’s not governing. It’s trolling.

So you think California is some kind of political nirvana?

Not at all. You don’t have to look hard to see the excesses of one-party Democratic rule.

Gov. Gavin Newsom goes ego-tripping on the presidenti­al campaign trail, rather than tending to the job voters elected him to do. What about Tennessee?

You refer to the recent expulsion of two Black Democrats from the Republican-run House for the high crime of breaching decorum during a protest on the chamber floor in favor of stiffer gun laws. That’s an even more frightenin­g and extreme example. It just shows what happens when one party lacks the power to hold the other in check.

So you’re trying to save the Republican Party from itself?

From Trump, at least, and the further spread of his political toxicity. That’s why it’s important not to ignore him and his obnoxious, anti-democratic antics, tempting though it may be.

There’s a saying, used to promote transparen­cy and the need for government to conduct its business in the open so all can see: Sunlight is the best disinfecta­nt.

Maybe it can help remove stains, too.

 ?? ?? Mark Z. Barabak
Mark Z. Barabak

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