Chattanooga Times Free Press

Life circumstan­ces lead us to Christ

- From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Q: I have been attending a Bible study where I appreciate all that is taught about God’s love. Who would not want to know that God loves us? But the teacher has now presented the idea that God tries to get our attention when we may not be living according to what the Bible says, and he is teaching that God’s judgment may fall on those who do not agree with everything in the Bible. This seems extreme for a God who covers us with His love. – G.A.

A: God uses all kinds of circumstan­ces to get our attention, for He desires that we live in obedience to Him, in humility, and with desire to please Him. Sometimes a narrow escape in a car accident or false-positive test result for cancer or a major surgery can make us realize that we aren’t ready to die. These times can make us wonder if God is trying to get our attention, or if He really loves us.

There are people who are on the wrong road. That road may be a self-centered, selfindulg­ent path, but where does it lead? Jesus warned, “Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destructio­n, and there are many who [enter through it]” (Matthew 7:13).

God may be warning us that life is short; we cannot count on having time to turn to Him later on. If you are going to turn to Christ, the time is now. Above all, God wants to tell you that He loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His Son to die on the cross for you. Knowing Christ personally bestows upon us His joy and peace, because we know our future is secure — and someday we will be with Him forever.

 ?? ?? Billy Graham
Billy Graham

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