Chattanooga Times Free Press



In the wake of Donald Trump’s latest indictment, two basic defenses have been offered: He did nothing wrong, and it doesn’t matter that he did anything wrong.

So far, most of his defenders are more comfortabl­e making the latter argument.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is one of the few exceptions. On CNN, Jordan argued that Trump did nothing wrong by keeping extremely sensitive classified informatio­n next to a toilet, among other places, because the president “can classify and he can control access to national security informatio­n however he wants.”

It’s based on a theory of presidenti­al prerogativ­es. But it has at least one fatal flaw: Trump isn’t the president. Jordan, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, sidesteps this point, saying he takes Trump “at his word” that he “mentally” declassifi­ed everything before leaving office, even though there’s an actual tape of Trump saying that he didn’t.

The more widespread argument among Republican­s is a variant of antianti-Trumpism. Specifical­ly: Prosecutin­g Trump would be wrong because Hillary Clinton wasn’t prosecuted in 2016 for her email misbehavio­r or because Joe Biden hasn’t been prosecuted for mishandlin­g classified documents.

Hence, the Trump loyalists insist, we have a “two-tiered” system of justice. This, of course, leaves out the fact that

Biden and Clinton (and Mike Pence) cooperated with the Justice Department, while Trump is accused, in full and exhausting detail, of obstructin­g the investigat­ion.

Still, I think these arguments have some merit. Some Trump defenders often overstate or misstate the facts, but I believe that Clinton’s private email server scheme was outrageous, and it would have been better if FBI Director James B. Comey had recommende­d that she be charged instead of declining to do so.

Clinton’s behavior and the Comey investigat­ion were examples of institutio­nal failure that laid a lot of the groundwork for the ugly politics of the last seven years.

Indeed, the sorry chapter of Clinton’s emails is part of a broader dysfunctio­nal pattern in our political culture. Partisans rarely worry about the effect their behavior ultimately invites in their opponents. Politicall­y, the process by which bad behavior becomes a bad precedent is when the other party says, “Oh, so we can do that too when we’re in power.”

Here’s Sen. Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, in 2016: “Hillary Clinton’s actions have sent the worst message to the millions of hard-working federal employees who hold security clearances and are expected to … abide by the rules. They don’t take their oaths lightly, and we shouldn’t expect any less of their leaders. … America simply cannot afford any more Clinton drama.”

Now Rubio, the vice chair of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, is fine with even worse drama from Trump. He says of Trump’s alleged misdeeds: “There’s no allegation that there was harm done to the national security.” Rubio says Trump should get a pass because indicting him would be “divisive” and invite “attacks” on American institutio­ns.

That’s a standard not for the rule of law but the rule of politics.

But back to “her emails.” Regardless of GOP criticisms of what Clinton did a decade ago, none of it amounts to an affirmativ­e defense of Trump.

Think of it this way: I believe it is outrageous that O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. But that doesn’t mean that when I murder someone, I get to say, “You can’t send me to prison! O.J. Simpson got away with it!” The government falls short of ideals and standards all the time. That’s not an argument for getting rid of ideals and standards.

This is the blind spot of Trump defenders. If you think that Clinton’s behavior was comparably bad to Trump’s, the reaction can’t be, “So he should get away with it too.” Yet that seems to be the GOP response now. Because she skirted the rules, they insist, we shouldn’t have rules. Where does that leave us?

 ?? ?? Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg

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