Chattanooga Times Free Press



WASHINGTON — For a quiet summer Friday, there was quite a cacophony. Donald Trump crashing around. Clarence Thomas cashing in. Hunter Biden spinning out.

News about these men rocked the capital. Yet there is something inevitable, even ancient, about the chaos enveloping them. Fatal flaws. Mythic obsessions. Greed. Revenge. Daddy issues. Maybe a touch of Cain and Abel.

It’s all there, part of a murky cloud reaching from the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse to the Supreme Court to the Justice Department to the White House.

On Thursday, ProPublica dropped a scalding piece about the abominable behavior of Clarence Thomas, following up on its revelation­s about Harlan Crow paying for Thomas’s luxury trips, his mother’s house in Georgia and private school tuition for his grandnephe­w. This one is headlined: “The Other Billionair­es Who Have Treated the Supreme Court Justice to Luxury Travel.”

In the old days, there was shame attached to selling your office. There was a single word that encapsulat­ed such an outrage: vicuña. President Dwight Eisenhower’s chief of staff, Sherman Adams, accepted a vicuña coat from a Boston textile manufactur­er doing business with the federal government. He lost his job and scarred his reputation.

ProPublica told the ka-ching: “At least 38 destinatio­n vacations … 26 private jet flights … a dozen VIP passes to profession­al and college sporting events … two stays at luxury resorts … and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlookin­g the Atlantic coast.”

Thomas is abiding by the adage that living well is the best revenge. He never got over the humiliatio­n of the Anita Hill hearings, even though his allies smeared Hill as he lied his way to Senate confirmati­on. He came out of it feeling angry and vindictive. He got on the court, muscling past questions about his legal abilities and ethical compass by pushing the story that he was a guy who worked his way up from poverty.

The justice polished that just-folks image over the years by going on RV vacations with his wife to escape the “meanness” of Washington. But as The New York Times reported last weekend, the $267,230 Prevost Le Mirage XL Marathon RV, which Thomas told friends he had scrimped and saved to afford, was actually underwritt­en by Anthony Welters, a friend who made a bundle in health care.

Thomas is ruining the court’s image and, with the help of other uberconser­vatives, he’s undoing our social constructs, causing many Americans to rebel.

At a hearing Friday, the federal judge overseeing the case against Trump for conspiring to purloin Biden’s election victory made a brisk start. “The fact that he is running a political campaign has to yield to the administra­tion of justice,” Judge Tanya Chutkan informed Trump’s lawyers. “And if that means he can’t say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that is just how it’s going to have to be.”

Trump was warped by a father who told him, You’re either a killer or a loser. He couldn’t tolerate losing in 2020 so he concocted a scheme to become a killer — of democracy.

Like Thomas, Trump is driven by revenge. We shouldn’t hand power to people whose main motive is doing bad stuff to other people.

A few blocks from Chutkan’s courthouse, Attorney General Merrick Garland emerged Friday with an announceme­nt that surprised the White House — he was elevating the Hunter Biden prosecutor to a special counsel.

This ratchets up the White House family drama. Beau was the ballast for the Bidens. Now he is his father’s hero, which is bound to make the troubled Hunter feel like a zero.

The president, who lost two kids and nearly lost this one, is clearly paralyzed when it comes to Hunter.

Hunter is staining his father’s campaign, as Thomas is smearing the Roberts court, as Trump is dragging down the GOP.

 ?? ?? Maureen Dowd
Maureen Dowd

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