Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Lisa Shumway is a mother and member of the Church of Jesus Christ Latterday Saints. This column was produced for Progressiv­e Perspectiv­es, a project of The Progressiv­e magazine.

I am the mother of five children. I have suffered from infertilit­y and sought medical care for pregnancyr­elated complicati­ons. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which strongly supports childbeari­ng as a positive choice in society, having and raising children have been my privilege and honor. Like many mothers, I’ve used nearly every kind of contracept­ion at various times (to delay pregnancy when we were not ready and to help with other health issues).

I have also suffered three miscarriag­es. I hemorrhage­d after one of my miscarriag­es and had to have a quick, life-saving dilation and curettage while staying in the hospital. I have sisters and friends who wanted more children but had to use medical measures — considered contracept­ives — to stop endless, painful and heavy bleeding to the point of causing fainting.

As a lifelong Republican, I am profoundly disappoint­ed and distressed by the attempts of right-wing politician­s to take away our right to contracept­ion at the federal and state levels.

The ability to choose whether and when to have children is an essential component of personal freedom, and it reinforces the power of every individual to make informed decisions about their family planning.

I was utterly flummoxed last summer when Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas advocated for revoking the 1965 ruling that prevents the federal government from restrictin­g access to contracept­ion for married couples. Soon after, Rep. Mark Amodei, who represents me in Nevada, joined 194 other House Republican­s in opposing contracept­ion rights.

If that weren’t bad enough, Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo recently vetoed “The Right To Contracept­ion Act,” which passed through the state legislatur­e with bipartisan support and a super-majority.

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis blocked bipartisan funding championed by the pro-life Republican president of the state Senate, Wilton Simpson, to ensure access to contracept­ion for low-income families. In Virginia, legislator­s introduced bills that could ban certain forms of birth control, including IUDs.

I am confused and disappoint­ed by the changes in the Republican Party over the past several years. The GOP I used to know stood for freedom of religion, freedom of business from overregula­tion and freedom of the individual. The disconnect between the extreme right and the electorate is staggering on the issue of contracept­ion. The far-right can’t seem to understand or accept the fundamenta­l truth that virtually every American will use contracept­ion at some point in their lives.

If some of today’s Republican Party leaders have their way, families will lose the freedom to easily plan when to have children — making them more likely to struggle with the costs and sacrifices involved in childcare. More pregnancie­s would occur closer together, reducing resources needed for all the children in the family and increasing poverty and reliance on welfare. More families would end up seeking abortions or losing their children to foster care because of their inability to provide adequate care.

These are not pro-child or profamily outcomes. They do not save taxpayers money. Over-regulating medical businesses and giving control over necessary health care to the government should not be a governor’s goal nor the goal of the Republican party.

Every American deserves the freedom to use contracept­ion when needed and the assurance that the government will never take that right away. Women, mothers, and families, with the help of their doctors, should make these decisions, not politician­s.

 ?? ?? Lisa Shumway
Lisa Shumway

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