Chattanooga Times Free Press



The 2024 presidenti­al season involves the senior citizens of both parties doing everything they can to prop up two venal, corrupt, narcissist­ic octogenari­ans against a crowd of more youthful, energetic and principled alternativ­es. Right now, the two old oligarchs running up against God’s own term limits are leading and nothing seems able to push them from their leads except external events. Meanwhile, the alternativ­es on the Republican side have gone through their second debate. The only winner was the man not on stage, former President Donald Trump. The others were subjected to silly questions, bad echoes, too much cross-talk and three moderators who struggled to herd the cats, not to mention a ridiculous survivor question that provoked open revolt from participan­ts.

There has to be a better way to engage in a debate with the candidates. In 2015, CNN used the same forum — the Reagan Library — and provided better sound, less echo, less cross-talk, better ratings and better questions even with Trump on stage willing to talk over everyone. It was a mistake for the Republican National Committee to let Fox News dominate the first two debates.

First, while I think NBC and all its related entities should be excluded from participat­ing with the GOP given that network’s open hostility to both the Republican­s and any truth that might hurt the Democrats, CNN has an interest in restoring relationsh­ips with the GOP. The candidates still do not trust the network, nor does the crowd. But that provides the candidates an opportunit­y to push back against the presupposi­tions of the questions asked.

Likewise, CNN does better staging of events. The network has a deep institutio­nal understand­ing of staging these sorts of events.

But the debates should consider more radical steps. Ditch the crowds. The candidates should be there to answer policy questions, not play for one-liners with the crowd. It has the potential to take some of the energy out of the debate, but that would actually foster more conversati­on.

Put the candidates around a table with microphone­s that limit surroundin­g audio. One of the problems of these debates is that the microphone­s pick up all the cross-talk. Turn off each candidate’s microphone unless they are called on. Using appropriat­e microphone­s will make it harder to hear the candidates trying to cut off each other. That will help the audience.

Stop trying to generate viral moments. The forced interactio­n between Tim Scott and Nikki Haley by the Fox Business moderators was designed to provoke an argument and a viral moment. It was, humorously, won by Ron DeSantis who interjecte­d to denounce the absurdity of it. Likewise, the “survivor” question at the end of the debate where the moderators asked the candidates to vote off another debate participan­t was silly. Again, it gave DeSantis a moment to lead the competitor­s in rebellion against the moderators.

Lastly, avoid Trump. If the candidates want to bring him into the debate, let them. But the moderators need not drag him in. These men and woman are running to beat Joe Biden and be president. The Republican debate should let them engage on their policy preference­s. On much, they will agree. Probe the areas of disagreeme­nt. But the fight is against the Democrats, and the base of the party wants someone who can beat the Democrats and chart a new national course.

Trump is the dominant force in the GOP. He refuses to participat­e in the debates. He has no need. The other candidates need the debates. We cannot force any of them out, but there is no reason to keep giving people with 1% polling a seat on stage. We do a disservice to the voters by providing a crowded stage with dumb questions designed to provoke fights, not highlight difference­s. There has to be a better way.

 ?? ?? Erick Erickson
Erick Erickson

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