Chattanooga Times Free Press

More Americans say they’re having memory, decision-making problems


There are more Americans saying they have serious cognitive problems — with rememberin­g, concentrat­ing or making decisions — than at any time in the past 15 years, data from the Census Bureau shows.

The increase started with the pandemic: The number of working-age adults reporting difficulty thinking has climbed by about 1 million people.

About as many adults ages 18-64 now report severe cognitive issues as report trouble walking or taking the stairs, for the first time since the bureau started asking the questions each month in the 2000s.

And younger adults are driving the trend.

The sharp increase captures the effects of long COVID-19 for a small but significan­t portion of younger adults, researcher­s said, most likely in addition to other effects of the pandemic, including psychologi­cal distress. But they also said it’s not yet possible to fully dissect all the reasons behind the increase.

Richard Deitz, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, analyzed the data and attributed much of the increase to long COVID-19. “These numbers don’t do this — they don’t just start suddenly increasing sharply like this,” he said.

In its monthly Current Population Survey, the census asks a sample of Americans whether they have serious problems with their memory and concentrat­ion. It defines them as disabled if they answer yes to that question or one of five others about limitation­s on their daily activities. The questions are unrelated to disability applicatio­ns, so respondent­s don’t have a financial incentive to answer one way or another.

At the start of 2020, the survey estimated there were fewer than 15 million Americans ages 18-64 with any kind of disability. That rose to about 16.5 million by September 2023.

Nearly two-thirds of that increase was made up of people who had newly reported limitation­s on their thinking. There were also increases in census estimates of the number of adults with a vision disability or serious difficulty doing basic errands. For older workingage Americans, the pandemic ended a yearslong decline in reported rates of disability.

The rise in cognitive issues aligns with a symptom that plagues many COVID-19 longhauler­s: “brain fog.”

Emmanuel Aguirre, a 30-year-old software engineer in the Bay Area, had COVID-19 at the end of 2020. Within a month, he said, his life was transforme­d: “I felt like I was permanentl­y hung over, drunk, high and in a brain freeze all at once.”

He stopped dating, playing video games and reading novels, although he managed to keep his job, working remotely. Some of his physical symptoms eventually abated, but the brain fog has lingered, disappeari­ng at times only to steamroll him days later.

Cognitive impairment is a “hallmark of long COVID,” said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, chief of research and developmen­t at the VA St. Louis Health Care System and a clinical public health researcher at Washington University in St. Louis.

Studies estimate some 20% to 30% of people who get COVID-19 have some cognitive impairment several months later, including people with symptoms ranging from mild to debilitati­ng. Research has also shown clear biological changes from the virus related to cognition, including, in some long COVID-19 patients, lower levels of serotonin.

“It’s not just fog, it’s a brain injury, basically,” said Dr. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, chair of rehabilita­tion medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. “There are neurovascu­lar changes. There’s inflammati­on. There are changes on MRIs.”

Younger adults appeared to experience significan­tly more psychologi­cal distress than older adults, and poor mental health has been linked to cognitive issues. Polling from Gallup found that depression rates for different age groups, which were relatively similar pre-pandemic, shot up for adults younger than 45 during the pandemic, while remaining flat for older adults.

Kristen Carbone, a 34-yearold actress in New York, said her anxiety and depression spiked when the pandemic hit, and her memory began to slip. Her issues fell short of the “serious difficulty” the census asks about, but they were worse than anything she had experience­d pre-pandemic — and she never tested positive for COVID-19, so she said it was unlikely an infection was at fault. At her second job as a server, she had to start writing down every customer’s order, even the ones she used to fill by memory.

“If I don’t deal with it immediatel­y, it doesn’t exist,” she said.

Her mental health has since recovered, she said, but her memory and focus have not.

The stressors of the pandemic could have worsened existing conditions such as ADHD, said Dr. Margaret Sibley, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington.

“If that person’s under extreme duress or strain, those symptoms might be temporaril­y exacerbate­d,” she said.

Because the census relies entirely on self-reporting, experts say the data could also be capturing a shift in how people perceive their own cognition, even absent changes to their health.

People with disabiliti­es might have taken note of rising disability acceptance and become more likely to answer the census questions honestly, researcher­s say. Some young people may have been influenced by what disability researcher­s describe as increased awareness and acceptance of neurodiver­sity during the pandemic, as videos about mental illness and developmen­tal disorders proliferat­ed online, often encouragin­g people to self-diagnose. There was also an increase in advertisem­ents for ADHD medication, Sibley said.

“Everyone was saying, ‘I’m getting this messaging online,’” she said. “The subjective experience of people receiving them was they could make anyone believe they had ADHD.”

But those changes in perception are likely to have a relatively small influence on the numbers, said Monika Mitra, who directs the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy at Brandeis University. Most of the increase is probably capturing real changes in people’s health, she said.

“We need to take this very seriously as a society,” she said. “We need to understand who these people are, how they’re being impacted and what we can do about it.”

 ?? LAUREN PETRACCA/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Heather Carr, who has been devastated by the physical and cognitive effects of long COVID-19, is seen Wednesday in Syracuse, N.Y.
LAUREN PETRACCA/THE NEW YORK TIMES Heather Carr, who has been devastated by the physical and cognitive effects of long COVID-19, is seen Wednesday in Syracuse, N.Y.

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