Chattanooga Times Free Press

Lt. Gov. Jones pummels a ‘missing’ Raffensper­ger in scathing attack ad


Lt. Gov. Burt Jones launched a scathing attack ad Monday against Secretary of State Brad Raffensper­ger that accuses the state’s top election official of going “missing” in what could be a prelude to a bitter 2026 race between the two Republican rivals.

The digital ad featured Raffensper­ger’s image on a milk carton as the narrator asks about his whereabout­s — a reference to Raffensper­ger’s decision earlier this month to skip a Senate hearing on upgrades to the state’s electronic voting system.

“How are we supposed to have safe, secure, honest elections if our state’s chief elections officer is missing?” said the narrator in the ad, which also accused Raffensper­ger of not attending a Senate appropriat­ions hearing since 2020.

Raffensper­ger’s office dismissed the attacks, saying he is “fully focused on a successful 2024 election.”

“While desperate politician­s and election deniers work to discredit the outcome of next year’s election, we will continue to focus on preparing our counties for a smooth, secure and successful election,” said Jordan Fuchs, his top deputy.

Raffensper­ger has been targeted by fellow Republican­s since 2020, when then-President Donald Trump and his allies blamed him for his election defeat. Then-U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue took the extraordin­ary step of calling on him to resign.

And while Raffensper­ger’s rejection of Trump’s demand that he “find” enough votes to overturn the election made him a hero to some Georgia voters, it cemented him as a villain to some of the former president’s loyalists.

But Monday’s attack marked a new level of vitriol between two Republican­s on opposite sides of a stark Trump dividing line.

Jones won an open race for Georgia’s No. 2 job last year with Trump’s support, while Raffensper­ger demolished a Trumpbacke­d challenge ahead of his reelection victory.

Both Republican­s are widely viewed as contenders for higher office in 2026, when the governor’s job is up for grabs and Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff is on the ballot.

Loeffler, another likely 2026 candidate, has also painted a bullseye on Raffensper­ger. Her political organizati­on, Greater Georgia, released a records request last month that showed Raffensper­ger had spent 42 days in his office the first nine months of the year.

“Voters are entrusting our elections to a Secretary of State who has spent more time glad-handing liberal elites and attacking conservati­ves as ‘election deniers’ than addressing legitimate security issues,” Loeffler said.

Raffensper­ger’s aides note he has spoken at dozens of events around the state and nation this year to counter Trump-backed lies that Georgia’s election was “rigged” and work to restore confidence in the state’s voting system.

Jones is taking other steps to seed the ground for his next steps. He has stepped up his efforts to build a conservati­ve policy platform, including plans to pay teachers $10,000 to carry weapons at schools, rollback business regulation­s and require children to get their parents’ permission to create social media accounts. And he is the highest-ranking Georgia Republican to endorse Trump’s comeback bid.

In an Atlanta JournalCon­stitution poll of likely Republican voters published in August, both Jones and Raffensper­ger had similar approval ratings. But far more voters were undecided about Jones (45%) compared to Raffensper­ger (23%).

The Georgia Senate, which Jones leads, has become a hotbed of Raffensper­ger pushback.

Senate GOP leaders have backed legislatio­n to ban ballot drop boxes and expand the ability of Georgia residents to challenge the eligibilit­y of other voters.

 ?? KATELYN MYRICK/ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTI­ON ?? In July, Secretary of State Brad Raffensper­ger speaks to the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce in Tucker, Ga.
KATELYN MYRICK/ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTI­ON In July, Secretary of State Brad Raffensper­ger speaks to the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce in Tucker, Ga.

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