Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Max Boot

Predicting the decline of U.S. power has always been fashionabl­e. Only the identity of the country that was supposedly going to overtake us has changed: Once, it was the Soviet Union, then it was Japan, and now it’s China. But despite years of costly fiascoes — from the wars in Iraq and Afghanista­n to the 2008 financial market crash to the mishandlin­g of the COVID-19 pandemic to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrecti­on — the United States still stands as the world’s sole superpower.

While we continue to obsess about external threats, particular­ly from Russia and China, the biggest menace we face is our own political dysfunctio­n. In trying unsuccessf­ully to break Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s, R-Alabama, destructiv­e hold on military nominees, which is risking the readiness of the U.S. armed forces, Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said on Nov. 1: “We are going to look back at this episode and just be stunned at what a national-security suicide mission this became.” That warning applies more generally to American politics: If U.S. power does go into terminal decline, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

It is true that we are no longer quite as dominant internatio­nally as we were 30 years ago. Contrary to convention­al wisdom, however, we are hardly in decline. Just look at the two biggest crises in the world today: Gaza and Ukraine. The United States is at the forefront of dealing with both. President Biden has assembled a coalition of more than 50 countries to support Ukraine while undertakin­g urgent diplomacy and deploying the United States’ considerab­le military might (including two aircraft carrier battle groups and a nuclear-powered submarine) to the Middle East to try to keep the Israel-Gaza conflict from spiraling out of control.

Where is our closest competitor, China? It’s been largely invisible, more or less adopting a position of neutrality in both conflicts, while rhetorical­ly sniping at the United States and continuing to trade with both Russia and Iran.

This is no anomaly: It reflects a world in which China aspires to global leadership but, notwithsta­nding its costly Belt and Road Initiative, remains largely a bit player outside its own backyard. China’s economy is almost as large as America’s, but China lags far behind in per capita income.

While China now has the world’s largest navy, it is a force focused on its own littoral waters, not on dominating the world’s oceans as the U.S. Navy has done for the past 80 years. The United States has 68 nuclear submarines to only 12 for China, and 11 aircraft carriers to only two for China. Russia is even further behind the United States both economical­ly and militarily. Its armed forces have been revealed in Ukraine to be far weaker than they looked in Kremlin propaganda videos, and will need years to recover from the pummeling they have received at the hands of Ukrainian troops equipped with Western weapons. North Korea and Iran are regional menaces but don’t seriously threaten U.S. power globally.

In an article for Foreign Affairs this year, political scientists Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth argued that “the distributi­on of power today remains closer to unipolarit­y than to either bipolarity or multipolar­ity.” They describe the current situation — with the United States still in the lead but by a smaller margin than in the 1990s — as “partial unipolarit­y,” contrastin­g it with the “total unipolarit­y” that occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union and before the rise of China.

Indeed, the United States still accounts for 24% of the global economy — more than any other country and only slightly down from its 1990 level of 26%. Of the 10 largest companies in the world ranked by market cap, nine are American; none is Chinese. The United States also spends more on defense than the next 10 countries combined. Moreover, the United States has more than 50 allies compared with only a handful for either China or Russia.

Given the United States’ economic, diplomatic and military might — a reflection of its vibrant and dynamic society — there is no reason we cannot continue to lead the world in the 21st century.

Unless, of course, we abdicate our position of unmatched power. I fear we might be in the process of doing just that — not as a conscious decision but simply as an outgrowth of our domestic political dysfunctio­n.

The Senate still seems incapable of breaking Tuberville’s hold and confirming hundreds of military officers who are needed at their posts. The Republican-controlled House seems incapable of passing a budget and might force a government shutdown this week. The House approved $14 billion in additional aid for Israel but included a poison-pill provision that would slash funding for the Internal Revenue Service and thereby widen the budget deficit. The House hasn’t passed a Ukraine aid bill at all, even as existing funding is running out.

For the first time since the attack on Pearl Harbor, there is a substantia­l isolationi­st movement in the United States that wants to repudiate a bipartisan, stunningly successful post-World War II foreign policy based on free trade and security alliances with fellow democracie­s.

The new generation of America Firsters seems hellbent on crippling the United States’ global power. They might succeed where challenger­s such as China, Russia, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Iran, al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and others have failed.

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