Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Kate Cox is a working mother of two from the Dallas metropolit­an area.

We have always wanted a large family, and after our 3-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son came along, Justin and I began planning and trying for one more. Because both of my earlier pregnancie­s required C-sections, we knew this one and any subsequent pregnancy would be considered a higher risk to me and to the pregnancy.

We were so excited to learn I was pregnant again in August and had so much fun springing the news on our wider family at a family event. Being a mom is the absolute greatest part of my life.

Things were going smoothly until my doctor called me — unexpected­ly — to give me the results of an early screening test. My heart and stomach sank.

She said more tests needed to be done, but that there was an increased risk that our third baby, a baby girl, had Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome. I read about issues with multiple vital organs and learned that “most of the cases do not last the full pregnancy and result in stillbirth­s.”

We were devastated but tried to remain hopeful. It took five weeks from first hearing the news of an early screening test to receiving the final diagnosis. At times, we felt optimistic but at other times, pessimisti­c. I kept thinking, maybe the early tests are wrong. Maybe she will have a really nice life in a wheelchair.

And then it was for certain: We now know she has full Trisomy 18 and cannot sustain life. There are issues with her spine, heart, brain, and limb developmen­t, among other conditions.

An abortion was not something I ever imagined I would want or need; I just never thought I’d be in the situation I’m in right now. Twenty weeks pregnant with a baby that won’t survive and could jeopardize my health and a future pregnancy.

My doctors are amazing. They patiently answered all my questions but never told me what I should do. I asked, what do other women do in this situation? They said some choose to continue the pregnancy and some don’t. I was shocked to learn that if I chose the latter, I couldn’t get an abortion in Texas. These caring doctors were trained to help me, but the new abortion bans in Texas tie their capable hands.

I kept asking more questions, including how much time we might have with her if I continued the pregnancy. The answer was maybe an hour — or at most, a week. Our baby would be in hospice care from the moment she is born if she were to be born alive.

In most states in our country, I could receive the abortion care I want and need right now.

I reached out to the Center for Reproducti­ve Rights to help me access the essential and humane health care I seek in my home state of Texas. I am a Texan. Why should I or any other woman have to drive or fly hundreds of miles to do what we feel is best for ourselves and our families, to determine our own futures?

I’m trying to do what is best for my baby daughter and myself and my family, but we are suffering because of the laws in Texas.

I do not want to continue the pain and suffering that has plagued this pregnancy or continue to put my body or my mental health through the risks of continuing this pregnancy. I do not want my baby to arrive in this world only to watch her suffer.

I need to end my pregnancy now so that I have the best chance for my health, for parenting my children, and for a future pregnancy.

With help from the center, I asked the Texas courts to grant me a temporary restrainin­g order saying that my situation falls under the exception to the state’s abortion bans. Not because my pregnancy is exceptiona­l, just because this is life. It’s my decision.

 ?? ?? Kate Cox
Kate Cox

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